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We're Going On A Bear Hunt

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I'm new in FS1 this year, after many, many years of teaching. We are basing our theme next term around "We're going on a bear hunt:" I have to come up with a planning mind map and a MTP. I'd be really grateful if anyone has anything they could share with me please. I've got some ideas but would be grateful for any help! Many thanks in advance of your help! :o


Hi welcome to the forum. One of our members called Cait has left a blog about her pre-schoolers experience of this story you can read all about what they got up to if you go to the top of the page and on the right hand side click on the word blogs.


Also you could try a Forum search go again to the top of the page and click on forum search posts, enter in any details you can and I expect there will be lots of instances in previous posts where we have discussed this story and activities we have done.


Once the children are familiar with the story and can tell it with actions encourage them to make up verses of own with actions! My class came up with -climbing over a wall, going through brambles, crossing a busy road, climbing over a fence...they decided on actions to go with the new verses too!

We also made up our own class story "We're going on a spider hunt" and made a big book with childrens art work included-they made up new verses again and added own actions!


Hi, not sure where in UK you are but Eureka (children's museum) are having an Early Years week during KS2 SATs week. ONly Early Years groups allowed and this year it is based on Going on a Bear Hunt!

We are going!


Hi we just did this in our topic for reception and they loved it. We have a Barnaby Bear in school who went missing. The children received a letter from Barnaby's mum saying how worried she was, etc. The children decided to make "missing" posters which they put up around the whole school. We then went on a bear hunt around our outdoor area. The next day we did lots of work on positional language and went on another bear hunt, this time with positional clues on one side and pictures on the other. The final clue was a screensave on my laptop. The children were thoroughly engaged and we had children from other year groups helping to look and asking how our search was. We also made binoculars and telescopes and set up a bear den. Our nursery children made mud and we created a bear hunt in a tuff spot. Hope this helps. Good luck! :o

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