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Hello, i wonderd if anyone would have any suggestions for me, we have a few children who are mad about mobiles and i want to develope this with them, any ideas would be great, thanks.


we have old ones with the batteries take out if poss or taped up for them to play with.


is great to hear thier conversations, and telling others to shh i am on the phone! so much moedleeing of parents it is funny


also have lots of handbags etc for them to wear and put them in!


We do very similar to cybertwin, in the old days hehe, we used to model making them from cardboard boxes such as juice cartons and bendy straws as the aerial and putting small stickers with numbers and the screen on.


Occasionally, as staff do have mobiles with them, we will sit with the children and send messages to each others mobiles which they have made up.


laminate a large pic of a mobile and laminate pics of number buttons, then add velcro and stick it on the wall as a number sequencing activity

laminate a large pic of a mobile and laminate pics of number buttons, then add velcro and stick it on the wall as a number sequencing activity


Like that one may pinch your idea thanks



I have phones the same. I had a little boy one day trying to go up the slide with the mobile in one hand. He needed to hold on with 2 hands so propped the phone in his shoulder by his ear. It was at our parent and toddler group so his mother spends most of her time at the group on the phone, so I went over to him and said" would you like me to hold that while you go up the steps?" He nodded and gave me the phone so I asked him who was on the phone? He said mum. all this time his mother can see and hear what was going on!! and had still not moved. So I said into the phone "Hi mum would you like to come over and talk to your little boy instead of using up your minutes?" The little boy went down the slide and took the phone back and said into"Look mum I went down slide".

At this point mum did get up and came over very shyly and said "Am I really like that on the phone?" DURGHHH

She laughed and saw the funny side of it but boy! did it make her realise that she was always on the phone!!!!!! I told her that at the toddler group she spent most of her time on the phone and everyone else just laughed and said they were always waiting for her to stop to talk to her but she never did!!


Very much an eye opening moment for mum which she did take in a very good positive way as well.


Sometime I think good old conversation is lost because of mobiles!!!! but please don't take mine away LOLOLOLOL

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