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Just wondering if any of you clever folks can help me with my assignment question?

'critically evaluate the extent to which poverty impacts on childrens lives'

Any ideas on books to read?

Documents to look at?

Anything else I should include?



You could start with the poverty site, there is loads of statistical stuff there to plough through.


Are you in a Children's centre? (is my memory failing me?) If so, you will have lots of data there too.


Interesting essay!


hello mundia

what a good memory you have!! yes i am in a childrens centre.Thanks for the info about poverty site I will have a look.


Helen Penn has written an excellent book called Unequal Childhood very readable. Also Sylvia Chant has done quite alot of research on Africa and poverty.


Hi Unsworth


I've just started the send year of a foundation degree and within our module on 'Child and Young Person's Health' we've been set an assignment on how poverty affects children's health in GB. - A good site is www.jrf.org.uk (Joseph Rowntree organisation). For background I'm looking at - Childhood, culture and class in Britain, Margaret McMillan 1860-1931 by Carolyn Steedman. Also might be work looking at the Marmot Review which looks at inequalities in UK.


If you locate any good info, I'd be grateful if you could post details. Thanks for the Poverty Site Mundia, which I notice is sponsored by Joseph Rowntree.


Good luck


Thank you very much Lalaloulou and Sam for your info! Unsworth

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