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Help With Planning And Observation


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Hi there!! Oooooh my very first post (well after introducing myself that is...) so here it goes!!


Well i shall start with where i work, Scotland, and going by the amount of posts on the 'Scotland' thread, im guessing not many of the rest of you's are :S however, thats not going to stop me from asking lots of questions!


About a few months ago, my role changed and i needed to basically create a whole new way of planning and observing, as well as supervise three other staff, and although i found this extremely difficult and spent most of my evenings making notes, stressing and having headaches, i finally had a product i was pleased with. It worked well for about the first two months and then through no fault of my own (mainly unenthusiastic, or badly trained - i havent decided yet, staff, the whole thing just went down hill and i decided we needed a new way of doing it.


Now, i work with 2-3 years old and were working with the birth to three document so any help or advice would be wonderful on the planning side of things as i pretty much have free reign of that.


The observation side of things will be slightly different i would imagine as from what i can gather, Scotland has a different way of doing it than the rest of you :S The three headings we use are Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect. And although we have a system on the go which seems to be working 'O.Kish' i would just love somebody to come along and give me a greater understanding of these three headings so i can pass this on to the other people in my team and make life easier for everyone!


I'm not sure if im just so stuck on my old way of thinking and training that its making it more difficult for me, such as i cant seem to get my head around there being no possible way to fit the old 5 (or 6 i think anywhere else) headings into these three new ones!! i.e E.P.S.D, C+L, K.U.W etc. and i feel like im just sticking observations under any old heading and hoping for the best!! The Birth to Three Matters book just seems to be all about what WE as a care setting provide or do for the children and is giving me no help on what the three heading actually cover. Are we doing this totally wrong or is there a simplier way to do things? If anyone can help i would be so grateful!!


Now an apology for spelling mistakes, silly questions and a very long post, i tend to get slightly carried away when i ramble!! :)



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Welcome to the forum Nikki xD


Sorry, I'm not familiar with the birth to three document that you follow, but your post made me go to the appropriate website and start reading about it!


It appears that under your three headings the general content is very similar to the EYFS, with :


Relationships (Birth to 3): Positive Relationships (EYFS)

Responsive care-promoting effective practice (B to3): Enabling Environments and Learning & Development (EYFS)

Respect-promoting effective practice (B to 3): A Unique Child (EYFS)


So that was an interesting half-hour.....many thanks! :o


I hope someone will be along soon who can help.

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