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4 Form Entry Planning To Allow More Freedom...

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.... being a 4 form entry we need to offer the children similiar opportunities.


We did exactly as suggested by Kent and from the DM statements took out the continuous and environment statements (Which are in our continuous planning booklet) and what was left divided up into the 6 terms to show progression.


Our titles are:


Me and my community (KUW Time/place)

How things work and why (KUW Forces and materials)

Traditional Tales

The Natural World (More plants and the environment than anything else)

Animals past and present - any the children want to learn about

Change - water etc



I really want to change things to allow more freedom of choice to the individual teachers and their children.... and to inspire the boys!


We can't do castles cos Yr 1 do that !!!!

We can't do space cos Yr2 do that !!!!! etc



Any suggestions anyone?


how about going with something less generic that each group could adapt to their interests ....'hats' ....footprints...giants.....old and new.....noises that kind of thing then each group could take thier learning in any direction so for one group they might look at hats and think jobs where as another might think about materials etc....as i don't know your set up don't know if this would work for you but my morning and afternoon group are quite different and are planned for seperately in some areas.



I agree with finlaysmaid about choosing more general theme names which offer the opportunity to follow the children's interests within that theme. I work in a Foundation Stage Unit - we decided to have themes but they have very open-ended so that the children can take it in the direction they want e.g. at the moment our theme is 'Beyond the sea' - the Nursery children have expressed more of an interest in sea-creatures, where as, the Reception children have gone down the holiday and travelling route. Some of our other themes that we have done this year are 'Everything Outside', 'Rumble in the Jungle' and 'Starry Nights'- these all went in different directions than we originally thought and allowed for children to follow their own interests within these themes. We also follow other interests for individual or groups of children that are not related to the theme as a result of an observation.

Good Luck

Green Hippo xx

Posted (edited)

if you are following the children's interests how are you able to choose these topics?

Maybe you need to look more closely at what the children are into?


World cup?


seasonal topics- beach holidays?


Edited by surfer

Hi Riverview


I don't know if I am much help by asking questions in response to your question, if I'm not then I'm sorry for bothering you but...


Why can't you do castles and space? You could include castles in your "traditional tales" lots of heros rescuing fair maidens and space in "how things work" - gravity, moon walking etc. Will it matter that much that the children will have the opportunity to revisit these two exciting learning topics again in years 1 and 2?


Just my view I know but as we follow children's interests we often have castle structures on the horizon in my nursery built with wooden blocks, using large cardboard boxes or the climbing frame. This is often only weeks apart not years and with differing groups of children choosing to join in.




I personally think that if you are following your children individual next steps then all 4 classes cannot be expected to follow the same theme/ objectives etc. I think you should choose your themes as the children become interested in as Surfer suggested. I am doing the World cup at the moment - the changes are that children in all classes will be interested in similar things anyway. But if you do need to have pre set themes then open ended ones sound like a good idea.


As for repeating topics - I can't see the problem in this at all. The children can take the learning further when they revisit it so its not just repeating. I did pirates earlier this year and my children are showing interests in that again so i will offer some resources to enhance this again - they can build on their previous experience.


Maybe year 1/2 could start to be more flexible too?! xx


Thanks for your replies.


I hope I am winning this battle.... yes it does help being on the SLT but of course the Head has ultimate say.


I have suggested we build in the Festivals that we feel we want the children to experience in some way and then for Terms 1 and 2 each teacher consider the DM statements/ learning intentions we want to cover as a starting point.


Ask the children what it means to them and what they already, know as its pointless repeating this......(in 1 colour) what they want to find out.......(in another colour) and build up a learning wall in each classroom. The parents can have their input too.

Give each teacher the freedom to daily plan according to their children's interests and highlight off the DM statements and date them as covered (to ensure coverage).


At the end of the mini topic ask them what they have found out (record in 3rd colour) and along the way address any misconceptions noted.


Then let the children with the adults decide on the next mini topic.


At the end of the first 2 terms re-evaluate and decide the way forward..... hoping they love the new way and want to carry on.


This sounds better doesn't it.

Guest LornaW

Hi riverview


I have commented on another thread that surey the EYFS is the long term plan and all children are accessing this so there is equal opportunity. Equal opportunity is just that opportunity it doesn' mean everyone does the same or we would still have 3 identical frog masks etc in a class!


If you are going with the childrens interest and you want a broad stimulus how about some good books that may excite the children but at this moment in time football will definately excite the boys.


Also how about using a visit as a stimulus - like the woods, or the beach or even a walk to the local shops listen to what the children are interested in and then build on this.


I like the idea of the brainstorm and the colours, helps children, practitioners and parents see what they know and what they have learned.


Like you Cherry i think daily planning is the best way to meet children's needs.


Good luck in making your changes.



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