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Hi I am very interested in 'target tracker' being mentioned on previous topics of conversation to help with profile points etc. Can anyone help thanks?


I love target tracker!


I think that it is a fantastic piece of kit and I haven't been paid to say that!


I have used it for the past four years in foundation stage and the rest of the school use the primary tracker.


You can get so much evidence from it all in chart and graph form.


I have used most of the print outs for either parent meetings, pupil progress meetings, OFSTED and for completing the SEF and notepad B.


Last year I trialled e profile along side target tracker as tha is what county like but I really didnt think much to it.


The thing with target tracker is that its really easy to input data and they are always updating it so it is relevant. We are going to try and put all our photos into it next year to save printing and sticking and then just do one big print out at the end of the year.


Sorry that is a long reply but I had to say what I think!




We have just started using target tracker in Nursery and Reception class. It is very good for recording evidence and having all the graphs/data to hand when needed. I would recommend to anyone. :oxD

Hi thanks for replys but where do I get this pupil tracker from.

I just did a search on tinternet - is it here?



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