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Advice Needed Please!

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I do hope someone can advise me please!! :o


Have been sat at the computer for about 3 hours, getting nowhere fast!!!


I am a second year degree student who needs to write a REPORT on planning and managing an appropriate curriculum.


The trouble is the REPORT bit!


I have done the abstract about my 5 day cross curricula planning


Have begun the introduction.


My worry/ well my question to those out there who know more than me is


In the introduction which I believe should be about the literature available on the subject......... can I or should I be talking about my own personal planning?

Is this section PURELY talking around the subject of planning and the curriculum, bringing together threads I will then use to show why my own planning is OK in the next section of the report????????????????


Here is as far as I got on that section:


2. Introduction

The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2008 is the national curriculum documentation that sets out “legal requirements relating to learning and development,” (p.8) to meet the diverse needs of children. The five day cross curricula plan seen in Appendix A has been drawn up using this framework, and “provides a broad and balanced curriculum and opportunities that will enable all children to develop knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes” (Drake 2005 p.xiii).



I really need advice as to if this approach is OK..... as though I was writing an essay about planning....... or should I not have made reference to my own plans yet??


Please help.


Clearly totally confused FD student!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you.


Reports have a particular style




Introduction - what is this report about?


Paragraphs - with sub headings start each with a sentence about the subject of your report include charts & tables


Conclusion - a summary of what you have written



reports should be written in the 3rd person / be formal / contain facts/examples and technical language



Do you have any specific guidance other than the title of the report you have to do?


I am loathe to appear critical and yet feel as though I should be able to help by drawing on my recent experience of study!


In very general terms when I wrote a report my introduction did not contain the amount of specific detail you have but I am not saying you are wrong!! My introductions were as short as possible and really just gave an overview of 'what was to come'. All the detail and nitty gritty came later.


Where you say:


Is this section PURELY talking around the subject of planning and the curriculum, bringing together threads I will then use to show why my own planning is OK in the next section of the report????????????????


I think the answer is yes!


Me again.


We have been told to use these headings for a 2000 word report


Abstract (50 words)

Introduction (800 words)

Proposed Plan (250 words)






Beside the introduction my tutor has put literature review in brackets to help make things clearer I think!!!


I just don't know if to just put in stuff from various authors etc in the introduction or if I say comment on EYFS and then use a refence to back up what I am saying about my own practice!!


I appreciate your help!!!




from what I remember about report writing, your abstarct is a brief overvie of what you've done and what you've found.


The introduction is the thinking and rationale behind it all. Previous research ideas and current documentation perhaps that show what is known already and what might need to be questioned. I think :o


Thanks for the replies!!


I have gone with the introduction being the evidence which I will use to show (in a later section) that my planning is appropriate!!


I may be getting a handle on it now!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Alll


I have just completed a report on Effective Learning and Teaching...and we were told the Abstract is basically what you would read on the back of a book cover...it is an overview of what is in the report. Hope this helps..if not sorry lol






  tattybogle said:


from what I remember about report writing, your abstarct is a brief overvie of what you've done and what you've found.


The introduction is the thinking and rationale behind it all. Previous research ideas and current documentation perhaps that show what is known already and what might need to be questioned. I think :o

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