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Lack Of Men In Early Years And Primary Education?

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Hi all, another forgot to mention that early years is also incorporated in my research hypothesis.... forfog to inlude the following -


Do you think there are a lack of male in the Early Years and Primary sector? If so, why do you think there are so few men?


Thank you :o


Hi Happydays -

Can't help directly, but I just thought I'd link you to a forum area specifically for discussing men in childcare, which includes a number of conversations, some references to research and/or campaigns and at least one blog link from a man.


It also includes a discussion you began last summer on the topic.


I'll move this topic into the same area to keep things tidy! :o


I wouldn't have a research hypothesis that asks a question where the answer is so well known, i.e. everyone knows that there is a gender imbalance in early years and primary education. A quick google should get you some statistics to quote.


The second part is the more interesting and relevant bit, I would say.

  • 3 months later...

Do you want men to comment?


I'd be happy to explain why there's a lack of men in my view as a man..heh.

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