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Fsm Underachieving

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Having analysed our latest eye profile data and observing and assessing the children in consideration this week, me ad my fs co ordinator have flagged up that a chunk of our fsm ch are the sen ch who are recieveing daily interevtntions. The interventions target each of their needs,they recieve lots of support from their key worker and the work i set i do differentiate. I just wondered if anyone has any advice, maybe reason why they are in the bottom 20% and what can i do to change this? x x x


Hi Jennywreny

When you say analysed your data, did you mean last years data for your group, or your ongoing information for your current year group?


It isn't unusual when you look at national data to find that more children on free school meals (fsm) fall into the bottom20% in terms of achievement. It has long been one of the indicators of poverty and is usually quoted for schools in OFSTED inspections (the % of children on FSM in the school). I am dragging the memory bank here, but children growing up in poverty are 6 times more likely to be at risk from poor outcomes than those that don't.


For your own circumstances, I would be looking at the type of SEN you have.. eg are they mostly speech and language needs or are there other needs? How many are EYA and how many EYA+, how many have outside support and by whom? I would also look at the interventions you have in place, how much these impact on each of the child's day (eg what are they not doing when they are engaging in the interventions you mention?). How much support can be built into your daily routine which will benefit all children?


I would also bear in mind that the profile data is not finalized until the end of the year, so you have time to support these children further. Have you noticed particular scale points that these children are not achieveing that the majority of the class have already (especially points 1-3?).


Then I would consider things like poor attendance or poor diet, overcrowding, poor sleep habits... are any of these an issue? Working more with parents? Is this something you do already.. helping parents to understand their role in their child's learning? (workshops, information evenings?)

A link with your local children's centre is also a way to signpost families on for relevant support.


I hope that all makes some sense to you..


that all made sense thank you very much, i shall have a look at those qus you posed in some detail, many thanks x x x

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