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Hi everyone, has anyone ever used this forum as a refernece in an assignment. I have used it in my EYCLO 11, to prove i use ict, have you any ideas how i reference it, short in text and long please


Gill x


Hi everyone, has anyone ever used this forum as a refernece in an assignment. I have used it in my EYCLO 11, to prove i use ict, have you any ideas how i reference it, short in text and long please


Gill x


I used it in one of mine last year by referring to it in the text then following it in brackets with Foundation Stage Forum 2009. T then put the title of the post and the full webpage address in my bibliography. I had also printed the post out and put it in the appendices. Hope that helps. Carol x


Me too :(

I used my contribution to a particular topic ( can't remember which one!) and printed the relevant posts in the topic and just deleted other contributors names


and now .... years after the event am wondering should I have asked permission to do so :o I think I decided as the forum was accessible to anyone it was kind of in the public domain xD


I referenced the Forum in my Dissertation on worksheets (I had done an online poll here amongst the membership to enquire whether they had used worksheets during the previous year).


In the body of my report, under the pie chart showing the responses, I referenced it like this:-


(Foundation Stage Forum, online, 2008)


Here's how I did the referencing in my reference lists:-


Foundation Stage Forum, [online] available from http://foundation-stage.info/forums/index....showtopic=13058 [last accessed 3.6.2008]


Of course what occurs to me now is that had the reader of the electronic version clicked on the link, would they actually have been able to see the topic if they weren't a member? I passed though, so that's the main thing! :o


Remember to check your referencing guidelines though - each institution seems to have its own take on Harvard Referencing, from what I can see!




Thankyou very much, i see it wasnt such a strange question after all, i am struggling putting references in my EYCLO description, so i think ill pop it in there,

Thaks again

Gill x

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