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Presentation To Govenors

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Hi everyone,

would just like some advise really - yesterday my head asked me to do a presentation to the gov's about our Foundation stage (i am FS leader) and I have to do it on thurs (!!) was just wondering what sorts of things you would include in a presentation if it were you - was thinking will have to explain about our provision etc and attainment and my vision to move us on - anyone got any great ideas to improve this? Thanks a very stressed ems!


I would be thinking of which features of the EYFS make it stand out from the rest of the school.


Is it the play based curriculum or perhaps the amount of choice the children have and why this choice motivates children to learn so much better than teacher-led activities?


I like the value the EYFS places on PSED (although still not as much as I'd like) and how the emotional wellbeing it fosters can help children to view school and learning in a positive light.


I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands of ways to present the EYFS positively and effectively so I would suggest that you start with the aspects which you personally value most highly.


Hi ems


Maybe start your thinking processes off by looking at some photos you have taken of the children and cover 6 areas of learning visually and the words will come. I am sure once you start it will all fall into place..remember to include role of parents..governors always like that.


Redbase :o


thankyou for your replies they have really helped. Ems x


Hi Ems,

First of all with my gov hat on, don't be scared, Gov's are folk who are interested in childrens education and are there because they like your school!

By talking through the 6 areas of learning you will also help understanding of the curriculum changes- if it happens! photoes or examples of the childrens activities and explaining what learning is going on would be good as Gov's don't get to see things like that.

The profile, evidence gathering, moderation and transition would help create a picture of your responsibilities. There was a publication; EYFS everything you need to know which may help with order of things. I'll try to attach.

Good luck! :o



Thanks everyone for all your ideas and support - I am pleased to say it is over and after all that worrying it went really well and they were so interested and asking questions that I talked for a lot longer than my 10 mins and feel like I have shown that as FS leader I know where we are at and where we go to next!! Ems x

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