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Space Topic/ Non Fiction Literacy

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Hello all,


This is my first post and would be very grateful of any replies. I am at a bit of a stand still with ideas. I am a reception teacher and decided yesterday to change my topic for January to space. Topic planning is going well but I need some fresh ideas for planning the literacy unit. At my school we concentrate on different areas of literacy for a half term and come January we are focusing on non-ficition. The first week will be taken up with recounts for Christmas day but would like to try and link literacy with our topic of space but at the moment not quite sure how.


Any ideas would be greatly welcomed :o


Thank you in advance and merry Christmas to all


Write a list of things to take into space? Instructions to work the space ship?


Collect and label a display of interesting things found on the moon e.g'moonrock' 'space dust' etc.


Write signs to put up in a role play area space ship; on/off. fast/ slow, stop, etc.


Draw aliens and write descriptions of them? Make aliens out of junk then take photos of them and write descriptions and put all the photos in a book to display for visitors at the space museum?


Wishing I was doing space now....


Oooo great ideas thank you. I knew coming on here would be a good idea :o


We did non-fiction when doing space, the children had to write labels for a astronaut, really got the boys inspired!

Maybe children could make a space book, some could write a caption for a space picture? Sparklebox have a space ship roleplay pack, which has log books for the children to fill in when playing in it, the boys especially loved it!


Ooh another thing we did, although it tied with bonfore night but could work anyway, was writing words to describe rockets, like whizz, bang, zoom etc.


Hi - we used the sparkle box role play signs and the log books got used loads epsecially by the boys so would recommend that. i also got mine to write their own signs and labels for the space station and space ship using the ones on sparkle box to give them some ideas to work from. Dont know if you have a tuff tray but we bought a space mat to go in ours and some space men, rockets and glittery sand and rocks and they also wrote labels for this small world play area - I left little bits of card there and as the pplay developed they changed the signs and labels they needed. Hope that helps and now i want to do space with my lot too!!!


Thank you guys for all of your help, great ideas!! For once planning is not such a drag and I'm very excited about introducing it to the children :o

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