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Research To Support Individual Planning


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Hi all,

Just trying to add some lovely finishing touches to my dpp planning assignment that I must post by tomorow otherwise I will miss the submission deadline. I have been searching for the past two days for some research that supports the idea of individual planning for every child. I've been through EYFS, ECM, KEEP as well as google and maybe I am being a bit thick or brain fried, or just looking in the wrong place but I cant find anything and it is bugging me. So if anyone knows of any I would be eternally grateful.


Thanks :o

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I just used this quote in a FD assignment


Nutbrown (2006) advocates matching the curriculum to “what children are currently paying attention to, and consequently..... children’s overriding interests” (pg 121).



Nutbrown, C. (2006) Threads of Thinking. London: Sage Publications


I don't know if it helps but it was worth a try.

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