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Not Enough Planning?

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At the moment we have a medium plan where we think about what we'll do in relation to festivals, etc. so for instance we planned to do fireworks pictures this week.


Our big A3 daily/weekly plan (one large sheet), though, is all pretty much 'as it happens', i.e. a record of what was put out each day and also observations of the children's interests and thoughts about where we might go next.


I'm getting a bit paranoid though that this might not be quite enough planning. Do others fill in this continuous provision plan ahead of time? Or do you pick just one area to fill in with more detail (i.e. adult directed activities)? And if you do, how do you reconcile this with the need to follow children's interests?


I'd be really grateful for any comments.


Hi Suzie,


I think we are all grappling with this!


We do a rough medium term plan and weekly enhanced provision sheets.


On the MTP we put ideas for the 6 areas but we put them in bold if they must happen. So this term we are starting with a loose 'Light and Dark' topic to incorporate all the Christmas things that we need to do also follows on from Diwali which we explored in last couple of weeks and covers fireworks/stars etc. In the CD section we have listed masses of ideas that we have had for firework pictures,stained glass windows, black + white prints etc. we will never do them all-just a brainstorm of ideas. However things in bold print in this section are-'make Christmas card' and 'make stars for Christmas play". As the term goes on I highlight things on the MTP as we do them. If we decide to go off at a tangent and do something else I write it on in pen so the MTP is a work in progress.


On the weekly 'enhanced provision sheets' we just add things we are going to add in each area in line with the way the children's play is heading.

So, last week we set up a dark cave with the children. I had planned to do that so had put it as an enhancement to the role-play area. The children took books and cuddly toys in there so I scribbled that on the enhanced sheets at the end of the week when we were evaluating the plans.


We also do at least one focused activity plan each week to do with one of the adult initiated activities. This contains the development matters objectives and differentiation.

Don't know if it's 'right' but went down well with Ofsted and works for us.


I'll try and attach something but have never done that before...here goes...



Hello Suzie your planning sounds pretty much along the same lines as ours we have a MTP which we plan for festivals etc and the rest of planning is daily on a large A3 sheet of paper which is added to all session showing observations of children and how we can enhance and activity and move it forward.

Like you worry about this planning business all the time wish someone could come up with a divinitive answer but never happens.


Hi - This is my first entry but I agree planning is a nightmare - I am really worried that our planning has gone too far 'child lead' - if we had universal planning form it would be so much easier - at least we would all know we are doing it right instead of all this worry. If anyone has any suggestions for weekly planning sheets I would be very grateful - I am also worried we do not 'start with the child' - Is there a system people use to ensure that their children's abilities and what is needed to move them on is clear for all staff? - We use a lot of part time staff and without reading everyones Keyfile evertime we are in we do not know what is needed to bring the individual child on. Sorry lot of waffle there but very frustrated and worried about

possible visit from Ofsted - I know our planning would seriously let us down.


Our planning is very similar to Edlees, from the brain storming for medium term if you want to call it that, to the enhanced provision sheet. We are also doing light and dark this half-term. We do have 2 or 3 focus plans each week but like this week that includes cooking which we try to do each week.

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