titchy Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 Realting to my recent posting on planning I just wondered how many written plans a week people have. I run a pre-school during the mornings only and was suggested by my advisory teacher that I have a written focus plan for each day: totalling 5. I was just wondering if everyone is writng their plans down especially those who are completing their weekly planning retrospectively and on the spot. Is everyone writing down their plans and of so how many. I have 5 staff so it makes sense for each of us to complete 1 focus plan however I am reluctant to ask my staff to do this in their own time. One way around this could be for the staff to take it in turns to have some time out on one of our quiter days. Also how do you decide what you would like to focus on? Help: I'm desperately trying to get myself organised but want to be fair to my staff too.
Helen Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 Hi Titchy, Sorry you haven't had a reply to your question yet. This is a tricky question because it depends on so many things. First of all, I'd say "Do you think one focus plan each morning would work for you and your staff and children?" I expect that you do other sorts of planning, eg planning for each individual child's next steps, for example, or making a plan of your continuous provision with enhancements. Do you think you need a focus activity too? If so, I would avoid the temptation to try to get every child to take part in it....I think there is a general (and very welcome!) move away from the panic that used to arise when the session had ten minutes to go and five children hadn't "done the focus activity!" I'd also make sure that your focus plan is in response to an observation of a child or group of children, and not just a randomly chosen activity.
JacquieL Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 I worked in a large nursery and we had one or two focus plans per week. Each key-person had their own copy and engaged in this activity with their own children. Although the children were encouraged to take part they weren't pressurised to do so. One or two focus activities was quite sufficient as he children need to follow their own interests. We also had a plan for children we had identified as needing extra support in areas such as speaking and listening, or fine motor skills.
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