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Help! Nqt In Need Of Advice About Cil


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Hi Everyone,


I recently joined the forum and this is my first post - so here it goes (fingers crossed it’s in the right area)...


I’m working in Reception and worried that I have too many adult directed activities going on in the room (always at least two) and not enough CIL. The problem is that the room is completely unsuitable for the FS. I have near to no resources (no...really!) and all the furniture is completely unsuitable for the age range. Children can’t freely access the resources. I have been placing things out for independent activities, trying to involve lots of investigation etc. The problem is, does that count as CIL if the resources have been selected by the teacher? I try to lay out resources that will give them lots of opportunity to take their learning whichever way they like, without a given focus.


I know that I’m waffling but I really need some guidance xxxx


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Hi kkirsty,


Welcome to the forum.


I'm a childminder so I don't know if there is any special way to define CIL in a reception classroom. In my humble opinion if the children are selecting resources (albeit from a restricted number of resources) and using them independently of adult direction, then that is child initiated. When you think of it, all the resources in every setting have originally been selected by an adult.


I'm sure there will be some more experienced bods along soon who can give you more guidance.

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Hi kkirsty,


Welcome to the forum.


I'm a childminder so I don't know if there is any special way to define CIL in a reception classroom. In my humble opinion if the children are selecting resources (albeit from a restricted number of resources) and using them independently of adult direction, then that is child initiated. When you think of it, all the resources in every setting have originally been selected by an adult.


I'm sure there will be some more experienced bods along soon who can give you more guidance.



Thank you! Im just in panick mode as OfSTED are due and I want to make sure I'm doing everything properly!

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You can only make the best of what you've got - if you have been given any budget in order to update furniture and storage you can only do your best with what is there. At our last Ofsted we had not got our organisation quite right but you have to remember there is a lot more to Foundation Stage than that. We were given good for FS and this is what they said


Children are given a good start to their education in the Reception classes. Parents commented

that they were very pleased how quickly their children settle when they are first admitted. On

entry to the Reception classes, children's skills are similar to those generally found. Excellent

focused teaching and carefully conducted assessments enable children to make outstanding

progress in the teacher-directed activities. Overall, though, their progress and achievement is

good. This is because the Foundation Stage curriculum, though of good quality, at present

does not ensure that there is an appropriate balance between the activities directed by the

adults and those that the children choose for themselves. The classrooms and resources, both

indoors and outside, are not organised sufficiently well to enable children to make these choices.

Despite this, most attain the expected goals for children entering Year 1, and many exceed



Bear this is in mind and try not to worry about what is out of your control. It sounds like you are doing a great job in giving them what they need using what you have. In our school FS has since had a lot of focus as it was the weaker part of the Ofsted report so a negative bit of an Ofsted report can actually make management take notice and consider what needs to change.


DOn't worry I'm sure everything will be great.

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Thank you! Im just in panick mode as OfSTED are due and I want to make sure I'm doing everything properly!



As kittycat said the ideal outcome of OFSTED would be for them to say that you are doing the best job you can with what you've been given, but that what you have been given isn't good enough. This will hopefully mean you find some budget directed your way in order to improve things in your room. I know what a nightmare it is to try and set up continuous provision and CIL without the right resources. OFSTED reports are usually the thing to get those in charge to sit up and take notice of the areas of weakness so don't be tempted to hide your problems away too much when they come!

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