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Shape And Space

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Our numeracy topic this week is shape and space. We need to cover the objective "Solve simple problems or puzzles in a practical context" We have both indoor and outdoor areas available. Any ideas?


There are some excellent ideas in the Numeracy Strategy for Reception. You can acess this and other numeracy support materials from the standards site.

www. standards.dfes.gov.uk


Abacus planning is also available from www. hamilton trust.org uk, but you might need to dig abit as the shape sapce and measures stuff is often towards the end of each planned half term.


Good luck.


A really easy one is drawing a shape and then getting the children to fill it with something to see what quantity of objects the shape will hold


ie draw a square, fill it with blocks, discuss how many, then say you need to get more in, can the children rearrange them so they fit the shape better or perhaps they will think to layer them upwards on top of each other. Try using different things to fill the space and compare quantities perhaps drawing a simple bar chart to record the findings.


Hope this helps






Sue, I'm impressed!!! :oxD


Sorry, I really shouldn't have hi-jacked this. :( Forgive, please.


How about using wind and flying to explore triangles (as in kites), which can sort of get 'left out', if you're not careful - which I'm sure you probably are!!!


Sue :)

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