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Can anyone help am in need some inspiration for Harvest Festival. I have a 15 min slot with a small group rec/yr1. Thanx


We did ouy harvest festival last week we did a retell of the story of the Little Red Hen- on the scholastic site there is a video of Pie Corbett doing it- we didn't stick to that story and actions but it was similar- everyone loved it and I have discovered a new way of teaching- this was particularly suitable for my low ability chn who were actually the best at learning the story when done this way! We started on Monday and they had learnt it by Weds so could od it without help


We are singing

Big Red combine Harvester

I've got a brand new combine harvester

Autumn Leaves

and the Autumn harvest song from cbeebies :-)


We made a tractor/combine harvester from large boxes last week (the boys thought it was fab and spent ages

decorating it)they are now using it in role play. We also made a scarecrow and put it in the pre-school garden then children made 'mini' scarecrows from lolly sticks and bits and pieces. This week we are going on an autumn walk, doing veg prints on 'baskets' cut from brown sugar paper. Also an interest table of all 'Harvest' related items. Making bread rolls. singing lots of songs 'big red combineharvester' Autumn leaves are falling etc. One child brought in some 'barley' as he lives on a field with crops which produced lots of discussions about making bread, 'beer' and feeding animals !! Put potatoes in the sand pit for children to plant and harvest! Thats about all that springs to mind so far :o




sorry blackcat. just re-read your post again and realised u only have a 15 min slot, so my suggestions were not helpful at all :o



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