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Hi do any of you have any ideas for book to put into my topic bags


A natural Feely bag . which book can I put in for the 2- 4 age group.


A communication bag.- to inspire talking again 2-4 age


Lastly a outdoor baking/ cooking bag - need a book to inspire!!


Thanks a lot-

Is there a funny book of nursery rhyme type recipies, just thought I may have come across one at some point? Foggy memory anf all that!!


Thanks so much all ideas appreciated!!


For your communication bag I love the book 'You Choose'. It has no words, pages where the child can choose from alldifferent pictures their frinds, home, furniture, food etc. It is beautifully illustrated by Nick Sharrat. It is an absolutely magical book for age 2 upwards and provokes masses of discussion.


I jus found it on Amazon


Unfortunately they haven't put a 'look inside' facility on it.

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