Guest Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 (edited) I knew this area was going to be one to tackle in my job, but I had no idea how much, my problems is also how to tackle it as most of my current changes have been received well, or agreeably, some don't like them but know 'they have to be this way' in a sense to keep up with the EYFS and the merger of our preschool into an FSU. However I know that learning journey's are a big issue to all the staff and am aware I need to tackle this sensitively as this is the one area that could end up really upsetting staff having done it their way for so long. They are currently locked away in a filing folders have been ordered and they all know that we are going to have them all in files on display. That bit is fine....only I don't think there will be anything in them!! Currently beginning to delve into the system, from what I can gather, most of them take them home, they are updated half termly. So if someone was to come in in the middle of this term they would only see last terms obs and next steps. I have introduced the system used by F2 in the school, which is purpose designed stickers on a clipboard which fit perfectly onto the sheets in the records. The TA/support staff then file them and the staff can then anotate and add the next steps etc. However I don't think anyone will be using this system effecttively as the support staff won't be able to file obs if the staff take them home! They currently get paid 3 hours per keyworker child per term for spending on records, and I gather they all do this every half term. Alot of them seem to be using the stickers, but I think they are too behind as it were for anyone else to be filing them in the records. Also they had some Early years training some time ago which apparantly said they shouldn't be doing any assessment other than the formative one that happens when the child is going to school/turning 5. I am sure this has been misconstued, and have early years visiting on tuesday so will ask for clarification - so currently the learning journey really is just a record of photos and obs, with very little next steps or gathering together of progress. Some of you have mentioned grids at the back to check all areas of development are covered, can anyone share theirs? In evaluating areas of strengths or weakness at the moment I wouldn't have a clue and would have no way of finding out. I have planned in 30 minutes every monday on rotation at the moment when we do not do any adult led activities and we operate on 1:6 ratio so are well staffed for them to be able to take 30 minutes to jot down next steps, link to learning areas. But no-one has used their 30 minutes yet, claiming there not to be time. I know they all love spending the time with the children and that is what they are meant to do, but I am trying to make their lives easier planning in time within the sessions rather than doing it at home. Also the issue is that they get paid to do these records, which makes up their money/pay, how can I make sure the records stay on the premises, are filled in, assessed and they still get paid for it as extra Argggh!! Edited September 26, 2009 by Guest
Panders Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Hi Clare - Wow! Don't envy your task at the moment. I'm pre-school - so quite a different set up to yours. I pay the staff an extra hour pe week to keep the learning journeys up to date - but I think that quickly gets forgotten!! The learning journeys we do are kept in chronological order. Photos, catch as you can observations, 5/10 min obs, info from home, the odd bit of creative work from children if they will let us. At the back of the learning journey I put in a photocopy of the child development overview fromt the EYFS pack, just the side with the relevant ages for our group to remind parents of the type of development we are looking at, on the opposite page is where we keep the grid for plotting the dates of observations made in the learning journey - this is where you can see any gaps in taking observations, and as mentioned on forum in the last day or so, strangely that can sometimes be KUW. Anyway ours is very simplistic - I know others on here have much more detailed and indepth analysis and record keeping, but I feel with the need to keep so much information my team need it to be quick and easy because they will not pour over assessment etc. - they enjoy working with children but have no interest in record keeping if that makes sense. I have, I think, uploaded the observation grid. In each of the cells we would have 3 observation dates spread out over a couple of terms, before we would begin to plan for the next age group up, that way we feel the children are truly performing at the top of that age group for that aspect Development_Recording_Sheet_2008.doc
Guest Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 (edited) Thanks Panders, that is exactly the type of grid i was thinking of, problem is I really need the records to be up to date and on the premises before I introduce them, or else I think it will just be seen as 'something else to do' Did I mention we are due Ofsted after half term....please let it be after and then maybe they will all be up to date?! I have 2 members of staff who have low self esteem, and whilst I think they are happy with me in general as a person, I know things like the learning journeys will stress them out massively, and I want to avoid that, I feel in no way that I want to dictate that they must be here with immediate effect (though they should be!) but trying to think of a softer approach to actually get the importance of this across is tough. Thanks for the sheet though, I shall definitly introduce some Clare x Edited September 26, 2009 by Guest
Panders Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 When I introduced the system last September, I bought ringbinder folders and a storage unit, I set up each folder myself with the basic info each one needed. The children returning to us we "archived" their previous system in each of their folders and began anew with the learning journey system, if that makes sense. I allowed the staff to "tick off" where they thought the returning children were age wise on the grid, which was something they knew really from the end of term reports they had done in the July, and as I say, we started with a fresh outlook. Nobody has moaned about doing the learning journeys as such, just the odd grumble that they need to catch up with them this weekend or whenever. Frankly I enjoy doing mine this way rather than our old system, - I go a bit scrap book like in mine and use stickers and frames to jazz up the pages - don't really have time for it, but hey!!
Guest Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 I knew this area was going to be one to tackle in my job, but I had no idea how much, my problems is also how to tackle it as most of my current changes have been received well, or agreeably, some don't like them but know 'they have to be this way' in a sense to keep up with the EYFS and the merger of our preschool into an FSU. However I know that learning journey's are a big issue to all the staff and am aware I need to tackle this sensitively as this is the one area that could end up really upsetting staff having done it their way for so long. They are currently locked away in a filing folders have been ordered and they all know that we are going to have them all in files on display. That bit is fine....only I don't think there will be anything in them!! Currently beginning to delve into the system, from what I can gather, most of them take them home, they are updated half termly. So if someone was to come in in the middle of this term they would only see last terms obs and next steps. I have introduced the system used by F2 in the school, which is purpose designed stickers on a clipboard which fit perfectly onto the sheets in the records. The TA/support staff then file them and the staff can then anotate and add the next steps etc. However I don't think anyone will be using this system effecttively as the support staff won't be able to file obs if the staff take them home! They currently get paid 3 hours per keyworker child per term for spending on records, and I gather they all do this every half term. Alot of them seem to be using the stickers, but I think they are too behind as it were for anyone else to be filing them in the records. Also they had some Early years training some time ago which apparantly said they shouldn't be doing any assessment other than the formative one that happens when the child is going to school/turning 5. I am sure this has been misconstued, and have early years visiting on tuesday so will ask for clarification - so currently the learning journey really is just a record of photos and obs, with very little next steps or gathering together of progress. Some of you have mentioned grids at the back to check all areas of development are covered, can anyone share theirs? In evaluating areas of strengths or weakness at the moment I wouldn't have a clue and would have no way of finding out. I have planned in 30 minutes every monday on rotation at the moment when we do not do any adult led activities and we operate on 1:6 ratio so are well staffed for them to be able to take 30 minutes to jot down next steps, link to learning areas. But no-one has used their 30 minutes yet, claiming there not to be time. I know they all love spending the time with the children and that is what they are meant to do, but I am trying to make their lives easier planning in time within the sessions rather than doing it at home. Also the issue is that they get paid to do these records, which makes up their money/pay, how can I make sure the records stay on the premises, are filled in, assessed and they still get paid for it as extra Argggh!! It does sound to me as if you are doing too much> Have you thought about having a time when children also have access to them to revisit activities and add to them along with their KP would that 'kill 2 birds with one stone' so to speak??
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