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Early Learning Goals Page

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Hi everyone!


Sorry to be a pain but I have been looking around for the past hour trying to find the topic about a single page that has all the elarly learning goals on! I have tried many a title for the searches and keep coming up with non related things!


Can someone please point me in the right direction?!? That's if you know what I mean haha!


Thanks muchly!!

Smiffy xxxx


Hi smiffy


Have a look here!


I haven't looked at the attachments - but I hope its what you're looking for!




Thanks very much Maz that is just the topic I was looking for! I knew I'd been on it before just couldn't remember for the life of me what it was called so I could search for it! I didn't think of using the word 'grid' DOH! Must be summer brain rot setting in hehehe!


Smiffy :o

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