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Any Ideas


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Our nursery is 10 this year and we wanted to celebrate by doing something special has anyone got any ideas what we could do.

Edited by Guest

When we were 40 (not personally!) we had a weekend birthday party for all the children and their families and we invited families from previous years too. As the children were only small it didn't need much, just some cake and juice, helium filled balloons and a speech or two. I think we had bubbles and bunting too as the weather was good. We also invited the press and turned it into a good publicity event, but essentially it was a low key get together for anyone who wanted to come and very enjoyable. We also looked at birthdays a lot with the children in sessions too.


How about holding 10 different events over the year? A music evening - have you got a brass band or something nearby or a choir? An auction, a bring and buy, a cake competition, pet show, etc?


We got T shirts printed with the preschool badge and the year etc and gave them out as gifts - we had a whole group photo with them all wearing them. One of the parents made a big banner for the wall with the badge etc on.


We're ten this year too, jojom!


I love the idea of holding ten events throughout the year, and the t-shirts!


I have thought of a party (would be rude not to, I think) and I had got as far as making invitations with children's handprints on showing ten little fingers. But that's about it.


I suppose I've got the whole of the summer holidays to think about it. Perhaps I'll put it at number ten on my to do list!



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