Knoksk Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Okay, so I was introduced to the very cute Beat Babies today that help with phonics, rhyming, counting etc. I really like the idea and for; • Rap Pack 1 • Rap Pack 2 • Traditional Tales Compilation CD 1 • Traditional Tales Compilation CD 2 • Helping Young Children with Steady Beat • It’s the Beat Babies: Wiggle, Jiggle, Count! • Listening Games CD • A Beat Baby it costs £92. I will be buying them out of my own money because I only have a job for a term and can not expect the school to buy them. I will be in a nursery/reception class and I just want to know if it is worth it. Do any of you use the BEat Babies? Do you find it helps with children's phonics etc? And are their any certain Beat Baby CD's or packs you highly recommend?
Guest Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 We have a beat bay and a book but am not sure I would pay £92 for a pack! We are in nursery and do use ours at cirlce time but even so........ its alot of money.............. You could do a similar thing with any small soft toy and use it in your own way!!!
fizzy Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 We have one at pre school, we got it free when we did the free training organised by the L.A.The children do enjoy her. It came with a book full of rhymes, which we sing to a beat. £95 no way!! she may be cute, but not that cute . Maybe its what your getting with it that costs the money.
Guest Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 We were given a beat baby and book last year at a local cluster meeting - it's sat in a bag ever since as i'm not sure how to use it !!!!!!!!!! dottyp
Alison Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 We have a beat bay and a book but am not sure I would pay £92 for a pack! We are in nursery and do use ours at cirlce time but even so........ its alot of money.............. You could do a similar thing with any small soft toy and use it in your own way!!! totally agree £92 is alot of money for what is just a small cuddly toy that grabs the childrens attention, the whole wow factor about beat baby is down to the skills of the person who is managing the activity We were lucky we where given ours and we dont use it that much. I would try and see if there is a group local to you who would lend you theirs so you can see if its worth it or whether you could adapt something you already have
Guest Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 (edited) I assume its £92 for all you have listed-possibly a cheap price for a pack of all you have listed? • Rap Pack 1• Rap Pack 2 • Traditional Tales Compilation CD 1 • Traditional Tales Compilation CD 2 • Helping Young Children with Steady Beat • It’s the Beat Babies: Wiggle, Jiggle, Count! • Listening Games CD • A Beat Baby I would get a beat baby and the 'Helping young children with a steady beat' book until you are sure its the right tool for you.Like all teaching resources its only as good as the person who delivers it so they have to be comfortable with it AND remembering to use it!!! It certainly fits with letters and sounds phrase 1. Beat baby on her own is only £6:90 on the website Edited June 29, 2009 by Guest
HappyMaz Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 (edited) Hi Knoksk We have the Beat Baby that came 'free' with "Helping Children with Steady Beat" and our children love it. It is fantastic for encouraging children to join in, because Beat Baby only comes and sits on your lap if you are clapping and joining in with the rhyme. We don't use a CD - we just chose three of the rhymes we like the sound of best (we have children from 2 to five) and children know the rymes very well and enjoy thinking of things to buy at the shop, places to go on the train or animals to get stuck up a tree! If I remember properly, the book and beat baby together cost about £15 and I would say that is more than sufficient - especially since you're buying out of your own pocket! The rhymes in the book are graded so you can start off with the easy ones and progress to the more complicated! We love beat baby (and don't tell anyone, but ours magically changes colours each week and the children really enjoy trying to guess whether it will be blue, red, yellow or brown!). Enjoy! Maz You can buy them direct from the author - click here for details of the book we have and here for the beat baby herself! Edited June 29, 2009 by HappyMaz
Marion Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I use Wiggle Jiggle Count most days with my class and if I miss a day they remind me. They love Beat Baby I have a couple and Ros Bayley is fantastic !!
Guest Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 We were given a beat baby and book last year at a local cluster meeting - it's sat in a bag ever since as i'm not surehow to use it !!!!!!!!!! dottyp same here. We know how to use it, but never have. I would never pay £92 for it. As others have said, any small fluffy toy will do the same job.
HappyMaz Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 As others have said, any small fluffy toy will do the same job. Possibly - but our children love unfurling the beat baby and curling him/her up in a ball again after the end of the session. Beat baby has a magic all of its own! Maz
Marion Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I think the main cost of the pack are the CDs and books that come with it rather than Beat Baby. I'd probably opt for Beat Baby and helping young children with steady beat as a way in to using the resource and adding others if you find it useful.
Lorna Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 I have the book helping children with a steady beat the one you get the beat baby with and use it occasionally.... but its another one of those things... used it more in the autumn than now. As a school we ordered some of the rap books and cds but sent them back as we decided they were not really worth the money and would not have been used that well. L
Susan Posted June 29, 2009 Posted June 29, 2009 Ive got a beat baby and it really appealed to my reception class but I never really felt comfortable using it and actually dont do so now i am in yr1. Must put it on my to do for September. I have the rap pack as the steady beat book was out of stock when I bought mine at the Ed show. I wonder if I started in the wrong place but dont pay £92 until you know you will use it and use it alot!
Guest Posted July 1, 2009 Posted July 1, 2009 We were given a beat baby and book last year at a local cluster meeting - it's sat in a bag ever since as i'm not surehow to use it !!!!!!!!!! dottyp <I know what you mean, I have one in my study at home and only get it down for therapy!
Marion Posted July 1, 2009 Posted July 1, 2009 I can recommend "It's the Beat Babies : Wiggle Jiggle Count
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