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Outdoor Area Activities


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Hi does anyone have any good ideas for activities that can be set up in the outdoor area linked to the topic of ourselves? Having some trouble linking everything together at the moment. Minor panic!!




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Im not sure what age you are looking for but here is a few sugestions.

How about making the home corner outside or feet printing outside and the cutting them out and measuring areas outside using the feet for some simple maths? As it is sunny outside you could look at the effects the sun and heat can have on our bodies and how we can protect ourselves

You could look at fruit and veg grown outside and how eating a balanced diet supports our bodies and then ma be plant some seeds. There is lots of images you can download from googleimages.com

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Im not sure what age you are looking for but here is a few sugestions.

How about making the home corner outside or feet printing outside and the cutting them out and measuring areas outside using the feet for some simple maths? As it is sunny outside you could look at the effects the sun and heat can have on our bodies and how we can protect ourselves

You could look at fruit and veg grown outside and how eating a balanced diet supports our bodies and then ma be plant some seeds. There is lots of images you can download from googleimages.com


What about shadows - drawing round in chalk and decorating or on paper to do the same. Measuring the shadows and comparing. Doing the samething at different times of day.

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In my Nursery we had exercise stations around the garden with a pinman picture of an 'exercise' and equipment if necessary, eg touching your toes, star jumps, hopping, skipping etc. Next to each station was a large dice. They had to roll the dice to find out how many times they had to do the activity. This was just a free activity they accessed it independently once they'd been shown the ropes. We repeated it another time using sand timers and they had to count how many of each activity they could do in a minute. Don't forget to check your heart rate and talk about how you feel when you've been exercising. The boys in particular loved this.




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Loved the idea of the free flow exercise activities!! Will definitely try this in september...sounds fab!


Thanks for that



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