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5 Term Planning

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Does anyone have any long term planning for children spending 5 terms in a nursery school. Just CLL planning?


Sorry - can't help you there, but welcome to the forum. I'm sure someone will come up with the goods for you!



Welcome to the forum Moorgate. :) Sorry for being really stupid here - what sort of long term planning are you meaning? :o


hi Moorgate and welcome aboard. :D

Unfortunately, Im not a nursery teacher but can you clarify the ages of the children in your nursery, please?


Welcome to the forum, Moorgate :)

Our long term plans are pretty static, and go for the full two-year cycle that most of our children attend for. (You can find them in the members' articles section).

I know that some people's long term planning are my medium term!! Do you mean topic stuff to be included, or maybe which stepping stones/ELGs you want to address each term, or are you thinking more generally?

I've not come across a need to plan separately for children who attend five terms, as opposed to three or six; is there a particular reason you are considering this?

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