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Seaside/pirate Story To Act Out

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Hi everyone,

It is my class assembly the week before we break up for summer and my theme for this half term is Under the Sea. including pirates, holidays, etc. The assembly lasts for half an hour therefore usually try to act out a simple story to keep things interesting. Have done stories such as Golidlocks, Jasper's beanstalk, etc in the past. However can't think of a simple enough sea/pirate story for the chn to act out (while other chn read the story out). Would really appreciate any ideas.



p.s. we are looking at the story of the rainbow fish this week and although this would be ideal to act out, our year two class does an assembly on the rainbow fish each year so that's a no go.


There's a lovely story in the Songbirds reading scheme called Pirates http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Reading-Tre...0987&sr=1-1

Pirate Jack finds a treasure island and digs for treasure while he is having a nap along comes pirate Jade who find the treasure so they decide they will have to fight for it ... after dinner ... after a swim but by that time they like each other so share the treasure and decide to keep in touch.


There are lots of fishy stories, like Bright Stanley, or Fidgety Fish, Smiley Shark, but what about doing the pirate song:-


When I was one I ate a bun the day I went to sea,

I jumped aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me,

We're going this way, that way, forwards, backwards,

Over the Irish Sea,

A bottle of rum to fill my tum

that's the life for me!!


Obviously the next verse is when I was two I ...........................


You could do as many verses as the children can find rhymes for


In pre school last year this was one of the songs we did at our end of term show. the parents were amused by it the children loved it, if you think filling the pirate's tum with rum is not for children to sing, perhaps you could find an alternative line. All the children were dressed as pirates and moved in unison with the actions, - jumping on board, saluting the captain, swaying backwards and forwards, pretending to drink and then slapping their thigh as we sang that's the life for me (very panto,) and we did some other pirate counting songs we had made up.


There are also so very simple piratey books which we found, if you are interested I have a re-read and see if they would be suitable for dramatizing.

Posted (edited)

Night Pirates is in Waterstones BOGOF offer at the moment.

The version at £7.99 has a CD including story and music, song to sing along to as well as action game, and another song.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

There is a great story called 'A new home for a pirate' by Rhonda Armitage which is very good for acting out. There will be a drama book out in December about creating drama for 4-7 year olds and this story is included-a bit too late for your assembly but the story is worth a look anyway! Have just looked on Amazon and it is £4.49.

Edited by Guest
  • 2 years later...
  orlacat said:
There is a great story called 'A new home for a pirate' by Rhonda Armitage which is very good for acting out. There will be a drama book out in December about creating drama for 4-7 year olds and this story is included-a bit too late for your assembly but the story is worth a look anyway! Have just looked on Amazon and it is £4.49.
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