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Reading Records

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Hi everyone


Was just wondering what records people are keeping for reading? We have recently had HMI in and he was extremely interested in what records were kept for reading and phonics and how progress is tracked.


I have group record sheets for a focus guided reading session, inividual reading logs, tricky word and high freq word list, and phonic checklists.


Does anyone do anything different?


Look forward to hearing what you are all up to




We keep all the same records as you do but also have a tracking sheet for the skills children may acquire at each stage in the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme. We highlight the skills they have acheived at each reading stage and update it every half term. It includes things such as 'knows key book terms e.g. front cover, title'

Hope this helps,



Thanks Tinky


Would it be posiible to post a copy on here?!?


I only have a hard copy and really don't know where it came from, I was given a photocopy on teaching practice and have used it ever since! If you like I could try and scan it at home and then attach but it won't be until the weekend as I am away from home at the mo??


We have guided reading records, indiv ones too and this to monitor achievement of skills....


woops on my other pen which is at school...... will upload tomorrow.


Thanks everyone. Will keep looking for Riverview and Tinky




I recognise that one Lorna..... we are using it to send up to Year 1 this year along with one we adapted from Polly showing progression of writing skills..... again at school.


I'll post them both tomorrow if I have time.


Thanks Riverview, these are great.



  • 4 weeks later...

Any luck finding that sheet Tinky?




[The class guided reading sheet looks great. we are going to use it next year.


Thanks Jo


I am so sorry - completely forgot! I will bring my file from home and try and scan it for you xx sorry again xx keep reminding me if i forget yet again!!!



Book bands will give you he skills tracking you need and you can also find lots of useful reading info on Lancsgfl. Book bands relate directly to ELGs and NC levels.


If you look on the ORT site you may find things there too.


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