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A Sense Of Community

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Hi everyone


I have recently found out that I am going to be moderated next term so I am busily making sure that I have enough evidence to support both my nursery assessments and my reception profiles. Does anyone have any ideas for really good "sense of community" and "communities" lessons which will allow me to collect evidence to demonstrate that the children are aware of other's beliefs and also that they should respect these beliefs? Any ideas will be greatly received as I really want to give them lessons and activities that are "real" to them. It's probably important to say that I do not work in a multicultural school where I could invite in parents (which would be amazing!)


Thanks guys :o


Did you really get no replies?


On a multicultural/ inclusion front the All Kinds of ..... series are brilliant. I have All kinds of People and All Kinds of Beliefs and have used them with under 5s.


On a more specific to your children have you done an active setting activity?~ e.g. children physically grouping depending on the description. Could be all sorts ~ physical characteristics: hair colour, eye colour, taller than child X etc. or likes and dislikes e.g. strawberries, having my hair combed, playing football or something more personal like sleep with a teddy etc. Include some catergories where all the children are together e.g. in your class!

You can then talk about how some things they shared, some things are different etc. To extend if you have titles of the groups and children 'sign in' you could display these and put children into pairs to find something they share and something that's different. You could even try to introduce the concept of 'unique'.


Guessing your moderation has been and gone ~ hope it went well!


Thanks Waltonangel that is really helpful. I think I was thinking about religions far to closely and hadn't thought about coming at it from the perspective of differences and "uniqueness". My moderation isn't until next term so I will definitely put your ideas into practice after Easter. Thanks again! :o

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