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Planning For Different Patterns Of Attendance

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This is one of those things I can probably get my head round if I spend long enough pondering it but thought there might be some of you with more expereince who could give me some tips.


I work in a school nursery so have traditionally planned for 5 sessions each week and repeated these for the separate morning and afternoon sessions.


We are now able to offer parents a range of ways to take up their 15 hours and wraparound care in addition. So I now have some children who continue to attend the 5 morning or afternoon sessions, others who attend part time but not every day, and others who attend full days.


So I would love any tips / things i need to consider when planning my week - particularly in reference to


planning the day - feel afternoon children should expereince group times etc planned for morning children but obviously full day children shouldn't do something twice.


planning the week - would previously have planned for example a numeracy activity on monday, art on tues... and as children attended every day it was easy to monitor coverage.


thanks in advance.

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