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Early Years Exhibition

Guest Sycamore

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Guest Sycamore

Just a bit excited as i met Sally Featherstone author extraordinaire at eh early years ex in London on Friday. She was so lovely and down to earth. Just wanted to share as I use her Little Books series all the time and recommend them to all Early Years people. They are cheap and very useful.


I went on of her courses a coupl of months ago and as you said she is a very down to earth lady with many years of experience.We enjoyed the Early Years show.Did you see the workshop using the Lyrca?Something different than the parachute.


ooh, Oldtimer, that sounds interesting. Please tell us more.... :)


Dianne xxx


The workshop leader had about 8-10 metres of lyrca and adults/children sat around and to music did excercises,pulling this way and that way,pulling with both hands/one hand up,bending side ways.Went to buy the tape but she had used music from different tapes so too costly.

Going to get some Lyrca and see what happens,will let you know!!! :oxD


I did a similar workshop with Ros Bailey a couple of years ago and was also impressed! I tried it a while back and it worked well but the lycra belonged to my old school and so far i haven't managed to find a large enough piece since, any suggestions?


Thanks for your kind words! We really enjoyed meeting so many people at the exhibition, and are constantly impressed by the dedication and enthusiasm shown by the practitioners we meet!


Sally Featherstone


to Annette

We know where to get big pieces of VERY shiny lycra for dance and parachute play. e-mail me on sally@featherstone.uk.com for details.

Sally Featherstone


Hi Sally! :D


I did the lycra thing at something I went to recently (always so clear and concise, hey!!)- it was great, trying to get some. Will try the email thing!


Sue :D


Welcome Sally went on K.U.W course you ran in Twickenham very interesting will e mail you on the Lyrca,thought I could just walk in to a shop!!!!


This lycra idea is fascinating. I have no idea what you are talking about! Please enlighten me!! (as long as I don't have to wear anything with lycra, that is :o )



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