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Can anyone help?

I would like to tackle the topic of sesnes through stories- after the 1/2 term as a carry on from "all about me".

I have so far got


taste- Oliver's vegetables, Handa's surprise and Gingerbread man

for sight - Lucy's pictture Brown bear brown bear

touch- ?

hearing Any animal story?



Any suggestions welcome


i need to be all singign all dancing as we are being ofsteded


What about lullabyhullaballoo (or however you spell it!! :o ) for hearing?? There are plenty of 'feely' books around which you could use for touch.


Hi Leo,

there is a book like "Brown bear" for hearing--think it may be called "polar bear" and my all time favourite "Peace at Last".

There are lots of touchy feely books but not sure of any particular stories and the books are perhaps more suited to use by very small groups.

Smell? Really not sure about that one, activities yes stories no! But if you need a story I think I'd go for the cooking theme and cook something. You can feel it and taste it too. Lots of scope for cooking in Goldilocks, Little Red Hen, Gingerbread Man, Handa's surprise etc, etc.

Pace your delivery so that you are really confidant about the sense you have chosen for the week OFSTED are in and have fun!


Little Beaver and The Echo - animal and hearing.

Lucy's Picture would work for touch too.

I suppose you can get smell from most stories, just ask what they think the characters would be able to smell e.g. This is the bear - dustbin, dump, bath.


just a few, we were doing senses during our ofsted.


Sight – Billy,s Beetle, Mick Inkpen

Lift the flap books

Also look for Braille books which relate to several senses


Sound – books about fire engines or any emergency services

(Flashing fire-engines – Tony Milton & Ant Parker)

Usbourne books Who’s making that noise

Mr Littles noisy train/Plane/car – Richard Fowler

Noisy Farm- Rod Campbell

Snore – Michael Rosen Jonathan Langley

Peace at last – (we made a tape up of the sounds to go with this one)


Touch- Braille books

Wash your hands – Tony Ross (or any on this subject.)

The very Busy Spider – Eric Carle


Taste – The little mouse red ripe strawberry and big hungry bear-

Don & Angela wood (Childs Play)

Eat up Gemma - Sarah Hayes ( Walker Books)

Very hungry caterpillar – (lots of yummy things to taste in this one)

Green eggs and Ham – Dr Seuss


Smell – harder this one

Usbourne Books Who’s making that smell

(How about a farm story with farm yard smells.)


Have fun.

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