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Hi All,

Does anyone know if there is any national on entry data that i can compare mine with? My head is jumpy over pending ofsted visit and wants me to find out how we compare nationally. Not sure if this is possible but i thought i'd ask! I have FSP data taken from info given by feeding pre school checked against my own observations from first few weeks. So basically an on entry score of scale points for each child. Any ideas on where i would find similar data to compare with? is there a central source?

Thanks in advance. Love the idea of this site x


forgive me if I am wrong but there is no national on entry data for Reception only end of EYFS. On entry would be very difficult to collate nationally for a number of reasons, not least because so many children come from a huge range of provision if at all, so would not necessarily have been exposed to similar experiences unlike when in reception.

forgive me if I am wrong but there is no national on entry data for Reception only end of EYFS. On entry would be very difficult to collate nationally for a number of reasons, not least because so many children come from a huge range of provision if at all, so would not necessarily have been exposed to similar experiences unlike when in reception.

Thanks for your input Apple. I didn't think there was but apparently there is a question on the SEF about it. I will report back with the points you made. Thanks


Welcome to the Forum, josephinecloke!


Can't offer any words of wisdom: all I have is the warmth of my welcome!




[hello there


not quite sure about this but what i been told


ofsed are interested in the collating of data early on so if your school isnt using pips which does compare starting data to end of year data then they want to see u using the profiles as u start


steve will know but if u use the e profile and put data in straight away it does show u collecting data and using it to inform planning etc and ensuring added value


they cant expect u to use pips so shouldnt have to haave this


showing what u did with information passed on from nurseries any comparable data there and parental forms filled in etc or any on entry assessments u did will suffice i think to show that u are going from a baseline

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