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Ofsted Guidance For School Settings

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Posted (edited)

Ok - I've now read the guidance issued Oct 08 here


Look down the list of docs until you see foundatin stage.


They give you specific point by point guidance on how they will approach the welfare requirements through a school inspection so it is really worth checking if you are due one.


There is new guidance on expected attainment on entry linked to EYFS and how they judge progress (against EYFSP 78points/ 6+ and PSED/CLLD combined 6+ scores)


there are clear descriptors as to what the gradings(outstanding to unsatisfactory) for each of the 6 areas they will grade EYFS in schools on. Also guidance on what inadequate practice looks like.


The six judgements are:


How effective is the provision in meeting the needs of children in the Early Years Foundation Stage?*

How well do children in the EYFS achieve?

How good are the overall personal development and well-being of the children in the EYFS?

How effectively are children in the Early Years Foundation Stage helped to learn and develop?*

How effectively is the welfare of the children in the Early Years Foundation Stage promoted?*

How effectively is provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage led and managed?*


The 4 with asterisks arecommon to all settings, the other 2 just for schools


Inadequate EYFS (ie worse than unsatisfactory!)

Judging and reporting on schools with inadequate provision for EYFS


Inspection will focus on the school’s outcomes and the aspects of provision which contribute to them. There may be several scenarios for inadequate provision:

§ Some statutory requirements are not being met or had proper regard to so that there is a significant impact on the children

§ Registered provision for under 3s is inadequate

§ Provision for 3-5s is inadequate

§ The whole EYFS (0-5) is inadequate.




There is a schedule that interprets what would happen if the EYFS is unsatisfactory but rest of school is Ok etc etc in terms of re-inspection. This also takes into account inspection outcomes for 0-3 registered provision/extended school provision on the school site although wider inspection guidance exists for these on the ofsted EYFS section of their site.


Please make sure you look at this if you have an inspection soon!!



Edited by catma
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