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At our Pre-school we have been completing our local councils Quality Framework and this has highlighted the need for us to complete careplans for all our children.


Unfortunately, our mentor was unable to provide much assistance of where we could obtain a template, after spending quite a lot of time researching the only tempate we can find is the one in the Managing Medicines in Schools booklet which doesn't cover things like toileting, etc so not suitable.


Does anybody have a blank template, they could let me look at, to see if we can come up with a template for our setting.


Many thanks




Hi Penny and welcome to the forum! I'm not an expert I'm afraid but I'm sure you'll be inundated with templates before the evening's over..... :o

Hi Penny and welcome to the forum! I'm not an expert I'm afraid but I'm sure you'll be inundated with templates before the evening's over..... :o

I am taking by the lack of reply's that nobody else has been asked to do Careplans for their settings, I would appreciate if this is the case if you could let me know and I then have something to go back to our Mentor with as we are drawing our blank on this and she is unable to provide a template either!


Many thanks!


We are a pre-school and do not have careplans for any of our children. I recently completed some equalities training and these were mentioned then. I can see the point if a child has additional requirements beyond the rest of the group or if those requirements are complex. However in our setting we have a mix of toilet trained children and children in nappies and pull ups. We discuss this with parents and ask them to let us know when the situation changes or if they would like us to encourage them to use the toilet. As we are a small team we pass the information on verbally and use it that way. Achievements in this area are recorded on observations and homelinks diaries. I think to write a careplan for all the children would be very time consuming and unwieldy as the situation would always be changing.


As I am writing this though i am seeing the opportunity for a basic blank sheet which could be kept in the child's file with details of where they are up to on entry and note (dated) as they progress, so now I doubt myself! In that case it would be a very basic sheet with name, DOB, box for continence (space to add dates and changes), box for other requirements and space on that also for dates. For our situation i would keep it as simple as possible as we rarely have complex requirements, and I wouldn't like to scare off any parents who thought that we were making them complete a "special needs" form as a comment on their child not being toilet trained (our parents think like this sometimes).




I wonder in what context your QA scheme requires a Care Plan, is it a generic one for all children or a specific one for Health, SEN, LAC, development / Behaviour etc.?


If a generic one for all children then my google search has not succeeded. I would suggest that the whole ethos of a preschool, it's policies and practice offers 'care' to all children. A usual statement of intent for preschools is to "Provide a safe and secure environement providing for childrens Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and care needs" (or something within those lines). These are explained via policies such as H&S, risk assessment, SEN, toileting policy, and curriculum etc.

If for a specific child then the care plan content will differ slightly say from a child with SEN, or specific health need, or say a Looked after child.


When I ran my preschool my first 'Care Plan' would be the information from my initial home visit detailing any specific care needs and the agreed settling in 'plan'. These are not a seperate plan but included in the childs' Registration forms. Any specific Health care needs I would use the template from the Administering Medicines document. For children with SEN we would include details of need, other agencies and a risk assessment if required. Toileting plans were done if there was a problem but not on a general basis, although records were kept of nappy changes / accidents etc.


All looked after children have 'Care Plans', these are produced by the LA responsible for them along with the Foster Carer, they include; These are very broad and are done as placement commences and reviewed every 6 months.


• the child’s identified needs;

• how those needs might be met;

• proposed placement (type and details);

• other services to be provided to the child or family either by the local authority or other agencies;

• the health plan;

• the Personal Education Plan; and

• dates of scheduled reviews of the care plan.


You may want to use some of these headings if devising your own care plan.


So sorry I haven't come up with a template, I wonder if a 'care plan' for every child is a S.M.A.R.T. goal to have, would this information be of measurable benefit to your quality of provision?




BIG PS, WELCOME TO THE FORUM and thanks for this interesting query.


I think Peggy said what I was trying to say more successfully!




Firstly apologies for my delayed reply to your responses, not been a good week we have had issues with our committee and then found out Thursday the primary school we are in the grounds of are being inspected next Tuesday and Wednesday so we are likely to get a visit next week as well, although its only a year since we were last inspected.


Anyway, back to the careplans, yes, she expected them for all children not just special needs, etc. We currently discuss things such as toileting with parents/carers before the child joins at settling in visits and then relay information at the weekly staff meeting as we are a small team of four permanent staff.


Medical needs, allergies and intolerances, etc are all covered on our registration form and we do a careplan/risk assesment for these already.


We contacted our mentor again at the beginning of the week, asking for further clarification of what exactly needed to be on the careplans.


We will wait and see what she comes back with!


Thanks for your help




be interesting to hear what she says, but in your own time, much more pressing things to think about now. Good luck for your Ofsted, if it happens.






Welcome to the forum from me too, and good luck if you get the "O" people in next week.


Just wanted to say that I am in a nursery and we do not do care plans except those for children who have medical needs.......... so I suppose they are more of a health plan......... ie epilepsy, diabetes and nut allergy.


Our special needs co ordin ator draws these up after consultation with health professionals and paren ts of child.


Don't suppose that was of any help, but hello anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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