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Funding For Outdoor Area

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Hi everyone,


Just wondering whether anyone has had experience for applying for funding for an outdoor area. At present ours is used by 3 reception classes and a preschool so it has been well loved! At present we have very little and really need some advice both in the planning and building stages.


ANY suggestions / experiences shared would be greatly appreciated




Ladybug x :D

Guest Sycamore

Does your LEA have a Business Partnership link? We have and I managed to get a few hundred out of them. We had to provode a plan of what we wanted to do and note all the areas of the curriculum we were benefitting in quite a detailed way. We also had to take pictures and the children did a sort of verbal diary for them to prove we hadn't spent the money elewhere! A bit of work but free money!


Look on the Learning through Landscapes website there may be some links there I have forgotten.


Sponsored event?



Good luck.


Thanks for the suggestions - I will have a look at the website.


Ladybug :D


Hi there Ladybug.


We have just had £4000 funding from a scheme run by the the NATWEST called the supergrounds project. There is also, Awards for All tel 0845 600 2040, tesco charity trust and barclaycard livinglands awards. These are just some of the names i have picked up along the way.


Good luck


This topic couldn't have come at a better time for me too. The committee are talking about trying to develop an outdoor area and we talked about funding at the last committee meeting. I will now have lots to report back to them at the next meeting. :D Hali, calm down - haven't you got enough on the go!! xD:o

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