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Learning Areas 0-7


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I wonder if anyone out there works in a maintained school which is working in learning areas .We are soon to go Primary and my head very much wants the EYFS curriculum continued through school until at least year 2 with the emphasis on creative,hands on learning.He wants us to work in Learning areas0-7 and 7-11.We will focus on emotional stability and stages not ages-Making sure that the children are ready to learn as they enter the 7-11 area.

I am ey coordinatoe and fully support this but I wondered if anyone does this already and if they do could I come visit you and ask for help in planning and developing this.He is really looking towards next September.We are all very excited about this way of teaching and would love to hear from anyone else who would be interested in finding out more about it.

This is a great forum and I would really appreciate any ideas from your vast knowledge and experiences



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I wonder if anyone out there works in a maintained school which is working in learning areas .We are soon to go Primary and my head very much wants the EYFS curriculum continued through school until at least year 2 with the emphasis on creative,hands on learning.He wants us to work in Learning areas0-7 and 7-11.We will focus on emotional stability and stages not ages-Making sure that the children are ready to learn as they enter the 7-11 area.

I am ey coordinatoe and fully support this but I wondered if anyone does this already and if they do could I come visit you and ask for help in planning and developing this.He is really looking towards next September.We are all very excited about this way of teaching and would love to hear from anyone else who would be interested in finding out more about it.

This is a great forum and I would really appreciate any ideas from your vast knowledge and experiences




I'm sorry I can't be of any help here, but I just wanted to reply and say HOW EXCITING!!! And how brave of your head teacher and how refreshing to get a primary head valuing the foundation stage as a foundation for the learning that other primary heads focus so much on in upper KS2! AND (sorry if this is sexist!) how great this is coming from a male headteacher too. PLEASE let us know how it goes - it's my dream for our school that this way of working would be adopted (never going to happen). Whereabouts in the world are you? Is there a lot of support from your LEA?


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I can't help but it does sound brilliant.


Wish my school felt like that!


I am sure it would ease the problems with the children in year one!!


Lucky you.


Hope you find someone to visit.

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Thank you for your replies -yes it is a brilliant idea and we have been visiting countries abroad over the last 2 years to research the benefits of working this way.My head is in this for the long term and is not expecting immediate results but shares our EY vision .You are so right about the transitional issues and this year our reception teacher went up to yr1 with her children.The progress of the children in her class has been so far ahead of everyone elses because the emotional security has already been established between her and the children{and their parents}They are more confident and secure because they already know all the routines .She is moving with them into yr2 next year and then back into reception the year after and so it will start again.

Im going to Finland next year to look at their education systems and hopefully bring back some good ides.


Oh and Im in the North Of England and LEA and watching us with baited breath



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