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Bookmarking Topics?

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Is there a way to bookmark particular threads within the forum inself? Someone shared a web link that I would like to keep for later reference......but hubby is grumpy that I seem to bookmark loads of stuff in the normal way, so if I could hide it within the forum then he couldnt' moan!! :(


Maybe its just me being a hoarder but when Marion, or indeed anyone else, shares great links I'd like to keep them for later....just in case. :o


Hope this has made sense. Thanks xD


I use 'my favourites' I have a folder named fsf useful sites, so I open links, if I like it add it to my favourites. I presum however that this is what your hubby dislikes.


Another option is if you click on 'my controls' (blue line top of page, second option from left) Within your page there is a note book facility, copy and paste addresses in there. These won't form a link but at least you have the address, and can add a useful note to remind yourself why you like the link. :o


There may be other ways to bookmark, so maybe others will come along with more useful tips.




Watch out Marion: I think dublinbay is looking to take over your title as weblink queeen!







Marion's queenly reign is perfectly safe Maz! xD


I, on the other hand, need all the help I can get. My menopausal brain keeps running away from me and I forget where I saw a useful link that I really need now!! :wacko:


Peggy, using the notebook facility seems like a great idea. Will give it a go, thank you.

Grumpy hubby says "Theres too much on the computer, no wonder its slow!" xD

Nothing to do with the fact that he has acres of his work stuff on it too!!!! :o

:(:( :wacko:


Marion's queenly reign is perfectly safe Maz! :(


I, on the other hand, need all the help I can get. My menopausal brain keeps running away from me and I forget where I saw a useful link that I really need now!! :unsure:


Peggy, using the notebook facility seems like a great idea. Will give it a go, thank you.

Grumpy hubby says "Theres too much on the computer, no wonder its slow!" ;)

Nothing to do with the fact that he has acres of his work stuff on it too!!!! xD



Maybe he just needs to 'read' a bit slower and then the computor will appear faster xD


Me and hubby have seperate desk tops, so he can't (unless he goes into mine) see how much I have stored. I must admit his desktop is much tidyer than mine. :rolleyes: But then again, he doesn't work as hard as me. :o



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