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Help Think I've Ruined It!


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i have just spilt a bottle of clear nail varish on my carpet. I thought i had got it all up when i dropped it however it i can now see that i have havent and it has dried on he carpet. Does anyone have any good tips for getting it out. Please help i've only had the carpet 2 months!!

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Nail polish remover sounds like your best bet....I've not had much luck lately....last weekend I dropped the end of my hoover nozzle on the floor and chipped the wood flooring.....not once but twice!!! xD Then on Sunday I put my wet coat to hang up whilst I sorted my son out from football (we got soaked) this dripped all over my new shoe cabinet and ruined the top....hubby not pleased about this :o I'm just blaming my pre-menopausal state at the moment!!!!wonder how long I can get away with that one?

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I dropped red nail polish onto my cream carpet a few months ago - i used nail polish remover to get it up too and the carpet is fine - i would try that. Hope it works xx

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