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Pupil Progress Targets For Yr

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Help, we have a new head who wants to set individual pupil progress targets for all children for one of our performance management targets.

We sat yesterday for over an hour trying to work out targets from the amount they have scored on entry on the profile, but it ended up being unworkable, so he has asked me to find out how other schools set targets for their YR children.

any help would be very grateful



I set targets against skills, such as holds a pencil, writes name from memory etc rather than from profile points themselves.

I set targets against skills, such as holds a pencil, writes name from memory etc rather than from profile points themselves.

So you're starting from where the children are rather than where you want them to go, Susan? :o


Thats a good idea but i think he is going to want numbers as for the rest of the school it is moving them from 1B to 2B etc, and he is a definite number person. He just wants to be able to monitor how they are progressing and give some of the children challenging targets. I have mixed YR/Y1 and the Y1's were quite easy to do, also because i've already taught them for a year so i know them well and what levels they ought to be able to achieve. It is just a completely different ball game with YR


Hi, I set targets using the profile statements but starting from where the children are now - the targets have to be SMART or they don't work!

I also set 'must, should, could' levels to incorporate elements of support and challenge within these targets. I think the profile statements are really useful in terms of target setting, much more manageable than unpicking level 1B! Putting the targets onto weekly planning also helps focus all staff and they type of adult input/extension given within provision areas.


Do make sure,though, that your HT is aware of the fact that there is NO direct correlation between FSP points and NC Levels, nor can (should?) these be made. It may be that there are similarities between some elements of point 9 in CLL/MD and levels 1c/1b, but not a direct link.


Good luck, do contact me if you need any more info.help,




I have a real issue with this, after teaching in Y2/3 for years and working with target setting then I'm not sure I believe in FS children having targets.


(annie hides under a cushion)!! :o


I want my children to enjoy learning and of course respond to challenges. I want to be able to focus my time on developing the whole child and planning stimulating activities and an interactive environment. There's enough paperwork already!


I of course have part of my PM linked to how many children will..., eg score 6 and above on LSL. That suits my just fine.


Is there anywhere in the EYFS anything about targets???

Is there anywhere in the EYFS anything about targets???

Only if you count something about setting up a target shooting activity, annie! :o how big is your cushion?


I have to say that I also am not really sure YR should have targets, but I am showing willing at the moment in the hope that at the end of the year I can say well I tried but it wasnt really appropriate/didnt work etc!!!

As my new head is new to our county I have also suggested he ring some other heads I know who I think will either say they dont target set for YR or they have a simple and realistic way of doing it - there is method in my madness :o

I am just trying to find a manageable way that keeps me on track and shows progress


LOL HappyMaz!!!


Sunbeam I understand the need to show willing for a new SMT member, has he had any experience of FS? But don't forget the E-profile shows progress, my SMT love the spider graphs etc that I print out every half term.


Here's hoping you can find what you're looking for. :o

Guest tinkerbell


I agree with annie here .I teach r and yr1 my yr1 do have a target that we discuss and display and change each half term...can be simple,learn to write my numbers to 20 etc,but it does get them used to the process which is developed throughout school.

As Annie says the e-profile will show yout HT how the children are progressing ,your targets!

I do a whole class target ,at the moment we need to get better at tidying up so I have a tree behind my door and each child has their name on a leaf,they move down the tree,onto branches until they reach the forest floor and get a house point!




Yr children should not have targets it is totally inappropriate and certainly not in keeping with the EYFS. Look at this information from NAA


The guidance Improving outcomes for children in the foundation stage in maintained schools – Process-based targets in the foundation stage aims to clarify what is meant by target setting in the EYFS for practitioners in maintained schools, local authority inspectors / school improvement partners, Intensifying Support Programme and other subject-specific consultants including EYFS advisers and consultants. The guidance adopts an approach to improving the conditions for learning by setting process-based targets for practitioners. This approach is based on an understanding of how young children develop and learn, and is supported by the research findings of the Effective provision of pre-school education study. It includes a set of planning sheets, which indicate the success criteria for children’s achievement at the end of the EYFS and show the links with the whole school and layered year group targets.


Improving outcomes for children in the foundation stage in maintained schools – Process-based targets in the foundation stage can be downloaded from the DCSF Standards website at www.standards.dcsf.gov.uk or the DCSF TeacherNet website at publications.teachernet.gov.uk.


I really think you should discuss this with your HT and with your LA Early Years Adviser.

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