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Something To Make You Smile


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Read this out aloud, it doesn't work otherwise! It was sent to me by a friend as a 'just heard you were having your inspection soon' pressie!


There's only one F in OFSTED

But that's quite enough for us.

If there's no F in lesson plan

There's one hell of an F in fuss.


There's an F in form to fill in

For everything that's said

There'll be no F in future

If that fails to please the Head.


Sounds like one F in Photocopier

Has died from overheat

There's no F in chance at all

To keep the worksheet neat.


Remember the F in OFSTED team

Should you chance to say

"Can't find the F in register

And bugger 'Thought for the Day'!"


There'll be no F in inspector

When your lesson is first rate.

And there's no F in good excuse

To explain why you are late.


There should be an F in handbook

For everything you do.

Tell the RI you've left it

(For light reading) in the loo.


There's no F in parking space

For half the F in staff.

Reserved for F in OFSTED

Who have the last F in laff.


There's no F in spiritual

Or cultural education

No F in equality, much

F in differentiation.


There's only one F in OFSTED

With it's 'education speak'

That God there's an F in Friday

TO end this OFSTED week


There's always an F in future

Now that OFSTED have come and gone.

There's also an F in life

After school for everyone!


There's a site dedicated to those kind of 'feel good' poems, rhymes etc. I think I saw the address on here but this is it. http//members.tripod.com/ofsted/ofsted.html

:D:D:D enjoy

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