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Local Area Visits Form

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Does anyone have a consent letter that is signed at the beginning of the year by parents to give you consent to go out in the local area eg for a walk to the shops with a shopping list?


Sorry we usually do a separate letter / form for each trip out.....


Obviously this cuts back on the spontaneity though!!


One time we did ask the parents to sign a letter stating we could go to the local post office with their children at some point during the week of.......... dependant on the weather!


we put a general consent on our admission forms..................it just asks for permission to take the child for walks in the local area, and states that for more formal outings, we would ask for a separate permission

Guest MaryEMac

All new parents are asked to sign a permission form when their children start. It's on A4 and covers all aspects of photography, for use in playgroup, for publicity in local paper, for a student's work for college or uni, being interviewed by student, local walks, food tasting (they are asked to state if their child has any allergies). After each category there are boxes to tick yes/no. For anything else that comes up that isn't on that list we will write a separate letter. I would post a copy on here but 1) it's at playgroup and 2) I don't know how to do it!!




The permissions form I used for my preschool is in the resource library, look on 2nd page.


I asked permission for local and further afield walks, I would also have a letter with details for the further afield walks as these had to be more formally planned, however, the short local walks often happened spontaneously. :o







I used to get consent for local trips out on the registration form when a child started with us.


We have blanket consent for local visits on our registration form. We are a Pre-school. However our local primary school sends out a blanket consent letter for local visits which is below.


Dear Parents,


General Consent Form


There are occasions when we wish to take the children out into the local environment to study particular aspects of the curriculum such as Geography, Science, History and RE as well as the occasional recreational activity.


When we do this, even to walk to the local church, it is Health and Safety requirement that we obtain your permission. This can be time consuming for both yourselves and the office staff if you are being asked to sign several forms in a year so we have introduced a blanket permission form for you to sign giving your consent for the whole school year to cover all locally based visits ie. those that do not require transport. We will notify you through the newsletter or other correspondence when these excursions are taking place. The children will be accompanied at all times by members of staff.


The consent will remain active for the whole school year unless specifically withdrawn by the parent or guardian. Please note that we do require one per child so if you have more than one child in the school, you will need to fill out a separate one for each child.


If you are happy for your child to take part in such activities, please sign the consent form below and return to the school office by (date)


You will be notified of all other school trips outside of the village via the usual format of requesting permission for them to be included.


Should you have any queries, please contact the school office.


Yours sincerely,



Hope this helps



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