Guest Wolfie Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Good luck for the meeting Sue - these things are never easy, even the most assertive manager finds them hard. Let us know how it goes.
Guest Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Was there a local football team doing well? sometimes its 'celebrations' that causes blips in the birthrate We had a family of 3 children all with birthdays in Christmas week-turned out dad's birthday was in March In our setting reception is busting at the seams with 2 clases of 30 and 16 on the waiting list but nursery is very poor with 15/15 when it should be 30/30 and they've had some 'no-shows' from that We too are having the same problem - not too bad in the mornings, but 7 in the afternoons!!! Sounds great, but you feel like a lost part!!! As parents are putting childrens names down I'm offering afternoon places at the moment. It's worrying though, but our F2 class use our outdoor area for a short while in the afternoon, and as the nursery teacher, I also take a small group of LA children form the F2 class and do a a bit of a booster phonics session with them, which includes an extremely bright F1 child we have, to stretch them also. On the plus side though, we are finding, for children who have social/behavioural issues, we are able to give some quality time plaing with the children, encouraging sharing and dealing with emotions etc which for some children is a first!!!
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