Guest Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 please tell me what you think of my planning for eyfs is it ok Eyfs_short_plan.doc MEdium_term_eyfs.doc Focused_activity_sheets_eyfs.doc
HappyMaz Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 please tell me what you think of my planning for eyfs is it ok Welcome to the Forum, willows 08 I won't comment on your medium/long term plans because I don't have either (said v. v. quietly). However your planning for the focussed activity looks very comprehensive, and the form is clearly laid out so I imagine staff should have no problem in filling it all in. The only thing I would say is that once you begin to use your planning formats it will become clear whether they work for you or not, so don't be afraid to evaluate them and make changes that seem sensible as you go along. Nothing is ever set in stone (or rather it shouldn't be) and the important thing is whether it makes sense in your setting and the way you work. Enjoy the forum - I'm looking forward to learning more about you! Maz
Sue R Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 They look good to me - but as Maz says, as you use them you'll identify areas that need 'tweaking', so I wouldn't worry too much. Sue
Guest Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 thanks i may change focused activity plan as i was thinking staff prob wont understand lol once again thanks for your reply
Sue R Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 Oh PS!!! Welcome, welcome and make yourself at home -
Guest Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 Your short term planning grid is how I do mine exept I have AOL at the top and days of the week along the left hand side. See below link for inspiration, norfolk website is v helpful
Guest Posted July 21, 2008 Posted July 21, 2008 Well done. I really like your medium term plan I think its fab. I may have to nick it- if you dont mind? And as people have said before evaluate it as you use it, you may find you need more room for some bits and less for others. Emma x
Guest Posted July 23, 2008 Posted July 23, 2008 hello ! Lisa, how do I access the Norfolk website to find samples of planning and schemes of work as I find yours very helpful and thorough ? Ive tried the link but can't seem to find where to look for planning ? thankyou
sharonash Posted July 24, 2008 Posted July 24, 2008 I thought I was on the right track until we had a visit from an EYAT again they have come in saying we are doing way too much planning, actually we arent ! They pulled our planning to bits I am going to ban them from coming we have spent the last 18 months trying to sort ourselves out after our last visit from our local early years team! Can someone please anser the following for me please; Medium term plan (do you or are you planning to)- cover prechosen areas of learning over a period of time have you chosen these yourself or have they come from childrens interests ie children interetsed in minibeasts do you plan to activities to cover areas of learning most appropriate to minibeats? or do you just put items in your continious provision ie bug viewer in interest arear and see where the children take it? how long would you do this over Short term plan- again have you prechosen areas of learning to cover by adult led activities over the week, or do you just detail what you are putting in workshop areas for individual children and let them determine what they learn? Group time planning we are told should be adult led with an intention? Observations adhoc to inform planning - how do you show this in your planning. Planned observations how do you determined what to observe and how often again are these activities you have planned to cover learning or just watching the child in certain areas? Do you have keyworker time? Do you do individual keyworker plans for each individual child/groups on a weekly monthly or termly basis? I am now so VERY CONFUSED You can tell cant you!!!!!! Wheres that Wine- Im not really an alchoholic, mind you I might be soon!!! Hiccup xxxx
Guest Posted July 27, 2008 Posted July 27, 2008 Believe me I feel just as confused , the more I log on to this fab site the more info I gain and the more I end up changing the planning I intend to use September. I am intending to have a long term plan showing that I ma covering all areas on the Development matters. For example for the 1st half term I will be 'focusing' on Behaviour and self control and Sense of community as on going for the whole term for PSE . This is really just a guide for my Weekly planning. I am cutting out the Medium term plan. The short term plan picks possible learning intentions off of the Development matters ( and I stress possible) and I list them in boxes . I have 4 coloured boxes up the side making links to the 4 principles. For example Positive Relationships. I will state "ensure the Key worker is available to help settle their new child and speak with the parent". We then will be using Focus activity sheets , this is for the keyworker's to plan focused activities for their children (they can obviously involve any child if they desire) This will help them plan next steps. Unfortunately we have to get our toys out of an awful cupboard so we do plan what has to come out the cupboard. This is on a sheet on the wall , should we change this the staff mark on the sheet , this shows OFSTED that we are flexible. (to a point) We have a Home link letter each week, explaining our focuses and new activities the parent can maybe get involved in. I also have an A3 poster on wall this is for Staff or parents to jot down things for next weeks planning based on the children's interests. The hardest thing for us is the change in the key worker stuff trying to get staff motivated (on very little pay) they often do lots of stuff at home and feel that all this individual planning is step too far for them. I hope this helps a little, but as I say this is my take on thing, others have very different ideas. Good luck Lisax
Guest Posted July 30, 2008 Posted July 30, 2008 Hi Lisa, Do you have an example of the home link sheet that you send home each week and an example of your short term planning. We are in the same position as you and have to get things out of cupboards each day. The annoying thing is that the nursery was only built last year and the design of the building has not considered that the children should be able to access resources in independently. Many Thanks Lorraine
Guest Posted August 9, 2008 Posted August 9, 2008 Hi Lorraine Have been away for a few days , then internet went down sorry didn't get back sooner. I am going to try to attach the home link sheet. It changes weekly so I will attach two sample sheets. As for my short term plan I am a little worried about this plan as it has no been ok'd by any dev officer (haven't actually seen one in 18months!) Where I am a little concerned is how I am going to plan from the child's interests. I am sure it will just happen but I am def a little worried that i am not covering that side of things well enough. Feeling a bit stressed by it all at mo as i am trying to update our operational plan. This is a massive headache. the curriculum page is one that can change daily to suit childs interests. We have to have a rough guide due to dreaded cupboard. Have attached files not sure if weekly plan has worked as it was typed in Pages(mac system) Hope this is of some help. Please forward on anything you think may help me. Lisax Home_Links1.doc Home_links3.doc Short_Term_Planwk1.pdf
cinderella1 Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 hello I have looked at your planning and it seems very simple, will your staff know what they are meant to be doing? Do they not need to know what type of questions etc... you will want them to use to support diffrentiation/progression? I use medium term planning to support weekly planning, so inlcude ideas for activities etc... yours looks very easy to fill in, but will this make your weekly planning harder work? For many of us even with the new eyfs we do not need to change our formats, they are meeting the needs of the children due to us observing them and using this to inform planning for a long time. It seems to me many people are panicing and changing methods that have worked well for them with out any need to. gosh all the texting I do has made me go through this correcting my grammar and spelling hmmmm planning from childrens interests........... if you happen to observe a keen interest from a key child, or have a visit from something that catches the childrens imaginations then add this to your planning, quite easy to adapt to, so I shouldnt worry lorraine. On my planning at the back I have a link for where planning is being made to suit an indivdual/s interests........... this wont happen all the time.
Marion Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Like Maz I don't use MTP so can't really comment but I think your Focused sheet looks very clear and should be easy to use. As already said don't be afraid to change and adapt if you feel it isn't fully meeting your settings needs.
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