Guest Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Hi all I have a tricky situation with the oher teacher i teach with in reception we have a class of 15 each and we come together as one for song,rhyme and story time. We have our new children over for a visit before they start school today. This is only the childrens second visit and so obvioulsy we had some who were very shy and very nervous. The other teacher took them for song time today whilst i kept our cuurent reception children for snack time. When we cam back togther 2 of my new children were in tears and were sobbing. When i asked what was wrong the other teacher who had been taking them for song time said they didnt like it because i made them join in - when i spoke to my nursery nurse she said they didnt want to join in with the actions and so were sitting her singing but the other teacher got them up and was moving their arms tomake them join in. I am very upset about what has happened as i am now aware that these 2 children have had an upsetting time and this may affect how they feel about coming to school - i am of the opinion that whilst children are settling in it is fine for them to stand back and observe until they feel confident to join in - if this goes on for a prolonged period of time then i will support them in becoming confident to join in. My problem is the other teacher does not share this view. In my opinion what she does with her children i cannot really have a say on however i am upset that these children are in my new class and may now be worried about school - how to i deal with this situation should it arise again??
Susan Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 Oh dear. I would feel as you do but short of taking this to your line manager I dont know what the answers are. Hopefully they will not associate the memory with you. Are they visiting again? Can you ensure that you stay with your new class all the time? Visits do tend to be rather stressful though for all concerned anyway, so perhaps the damage wont be as great as you feel.
Guest Stalbans Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 It makes me feel sad to at the way your colleague treated the 2 new children. It needs to be remembered that they are still very young and school seems such a big grown up place, I am with you on this matter and feel it is the child's right to make a choice as to whether they join in or not particularly when it is supposed to be a learning experience, a taster session to get them excited about what might be install come the start of term. I also agree that with the right encouragement and differing techniques you would probably encourage those children to join in when their ready and that swhat i thought we were supposed to be doing, every child is an individual and they have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. I think you perhaps should make note of each and every time you feel unhappy with a delivery of your colleague and then perhaps take it further with either the oter teacher or a superior. I have heard we are supposed to do peer on peer obs as well so you're not actually doing anything out of turn. I'm sure you will be able to make those children feel special once they start with you. Good luck
Guest Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 what a shame for you to be put in this situation we visit the reception teachers and the school with our leavers during the school's lunch break so both teachers are together, would this be a way around the problem to prevent leaving her with new visiting children in the future so you can take controll of the situation if necessary?
hali Posted June 24, 2008 Posted June 24, 2008 oh thats terrible, poor children! when we take ours for visits we stay with them!
Beau Posted June 25, 2008 Posted June 25, 2008 Oh Lola, what a difficult situation to find yourself in. I am afraid that her actions were unacceptable - as a parent I would be horrified to think that my child had been treated in this way and it goes against all training I have received about settling in. If you don't say anything then unfortunately she will go on thinking that this is okay but obviously it is not your place to supervise her behaviour towards the children. What sort of support do you get? Do you think that your concerns would be listened to and followed up appropriately?
Guest Posted June 25, 2008 Posted June 25, 2008 The problem is i have had concerns in the past of other issues and and been to the head on 3 occassions this year to express my concerns one included profile assessments for her class not being done - each time i was thanked for informing him and that was it. Nothing has been followed up and it has now got to the stage where i feel like i am telling tales and so darent say anymore!!
Beau Posted June 26, 2008 Posted June 26, 2008 I can understand why you would be reluctant to say anything if you don't feel it would be taken seriously and acted upon. I really don't know what the answer is - she clearly had no qualms about acting in the way she did in front of other adults so probably doesn't see anything wrong with what she did. Will the children be coming in for any more visits or was that the last of them?
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