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Hi, my name is Sue and this is first tentative time on forum. Yikes! I have taken over a school nursery and would like to make the planning easier. Would'nt we all?I want to display the learning intentions for each of my areas and wondered if there was a pre-printed format or whether any one had any good ideas. Hope this gets posted if only to prove that yes I can operate simple equipment! Thanx.


hi Sue and welcome!

Your tentative post got there and here is your first reply! :lol

There are the stepping stones in a document that you might be able to use for your curriculum areas, look in the members section.


A site worth taking a look at is:




Select Documents from the EY Team, then Planning for Play in the Foundation Stage (12th one down). It covers sand, water, malleable play and role play.


Hope it helps :)

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