Guest Posted June 6, 2008 Posted June 6, 2008 At our last staff meeting we were talking aboiut developing effective success criteria , learning intentions and learning outcomes. It all got a little heated - - currently we need to decide as a staff whether we use WALT and WILF or learning objectives as terminology - anyway what I was more interested in was how to develop success criteria with Reception - the head said he wanted to see it for adult focussed activities in Reception - so just wondered what people did ??? do you use anything visually for example? It all became a big blur in the end and some ideas or thoughts or examples would be welcomed
HappyMaz Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 Since I'm in pre-school I have nothing to offer, but I am wondering who WALT and WILF are... Maz
Susan Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 Walt = we are learning today Wilf = what I am looking for all jargon, Maz!! Dont feel deprived. Sorry suebee I cant really help as I dont really do this very well! Sparklebox has some resources though that you might find useful.
Marion Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 I don't do it either because I don't think it is age appropriate but I know schools where heads insist.
Guest Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 I agree Marion but unfortunately as an ISP school it was one of our focusses on a recent monitoring visit and it was quite clear the head and the consultant expected to see it in Reception
HappyMaz Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 Walt = we are learning todayWilf = what I am looking for These guys are fab: great people to have in your head when observing children! These will be my new watchwords - along with WAIT (why am I talking?). Thank you for jargon-busting, Susan! Maz
Susan Posted June 8, 2008 Posted June 8, 2008 Gosh, I'm always telling my class to WAIT then but the term I usually use is STOP. Obviously multilingual!?
Guest Posted June 14, 2008 Posted June 14, 2008 We are a small infant school with 4 classes and it was decided last year to all use Walt and Wilf - yet another bandwagon that our head has jumped on. Honestly it's rediculous - there can't be anymore bandwagons left - you can tell she's not in the classroom anymore! Anyway, it's actually really successful in my class (i'm reception) and the children love it! I have 2 robot type characters A3 size and laminated (who are sooooo cute! - just a clipart picture!) who are holding a piece of paper. They are both exactly the same character, but one if facing the other way. (decided on this as I have 3 sets of twins in my class!) Other classes have their own versions but most of them are alien type creatures! At the start of CLL, PSRN and topic times we look at WALT and WILF to see: We Are Learning To.. and What I'm Looking For We always say 'what has Walt got for us to learn today then?' and its the objective written in child speak. e.g. count things carefully. Then we say 'so how are we going to know if we've done it? Let's see what Wilf has to say...' and I use picture cards laminated and blu-tac them on. The children now know what each of the pictures mean and are keen to look at them. e.g. a picture of an eye for 'look', a cartoon puzzled face with a question mark above it's head for 'think', a hand with an object for 'move', a cartoon smiley face with a hand up to it's mouth for 'say', a cartoon smiley face with a light bulb above it's head for 'remember' and then a big thumbs up for 'we've done it'. Lots more like this! All clipart pictures found through microsoft word or mircosoft online cliparts. VERY child friendly and kids know them! Hope this all makes sense and is of some use! x RED x
Sue R Posted June 14, 2008 Posted June 14, 2008 That is very similar to the system we use. We use lots of signs and symbols, so I have three laminated sheets, one says 'Today we are getting clever at....', one says 'I will know because...' and the other says 'You will know because...'. I select symbols which will represent the various ideas and these are used when I introduce the activity, giving the learning outcome and success criteria for myself and the children. By keeping these by the activity and referring to them, children are kept on track and the more able are beginning to reflect on their learning. I'm in a pre-school unit in a Day Nursery, children vary from 2.6 to school age. Even the youngest seem to enjoy this, reminding each other what the focus is today!! Sue
Guest Posted June 14, 2008 Posted June 14, 2008 Thanks for all the ideas - got some useful ideas to try out !
emmajess Posted June 14, 2008 Posted June 14, 2008 When I was teaching KS1 we used WALT and WILF for every session and it was really successful. Now I'm back in reception again, I've found that it's more effective for us to have 3 overarching learning objective focusses for the week (one CLL, one PSRN and one other) as they are being addressed in many different ways at different times. As it's just 3 I've found that the children are able to remember them and apply them throughout the week. So we have a sheet up saying 'We learn lots of things at school! This week we are especially learning to...' and 3 bullet points. I think next year I might have 3 separate ones rather than all together. Not sure. We have this displayed on the whiteboard for the children and on the parents' board to help them support the learning at home.
Guest Posted June 15, 2008 Posted June 15, 2008 I am in a school that have WALT and WILF!! everywhere and I can't stand them and tend to forget! like to add child friendly speak on my displays. I don't think they are child friendly in reception and you could have them up everywhere for role play, construction, art etc We are learning to - well if you are having lots of different learning journeys for the children you could have 30 different WALT'S and 30 different WILF'S What makes me laugh is that we went on a school course together with the lady(shirly clarke) who dreamt up the WALT and WIlfs and she actually said that things had developed on from these now. I'm not sure the rest of my collegues were listening to her.
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