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Is there anyone doing their NVQ3 CCLD, I have more or less finished all I have to do is the Summative part to my child studies. I searched the internet and looked through books trying to find an example of a Summative Assessment, I'm one of these people once I've seen an example I'm off and running. So if anyone can suggest where to look that would be great.






:o Hi


You have been reading my mind I also would like some info on summative assessments.


Can anyone help. PLeeeease

  • 2 weeks later...



just little fiddly bits now and my brain hurts!!!!

  • 2 months later...

Well here goes...


Summative assessment is when you collate what you have learnt about the children in your setting. This could be for a report for the parents so that they can have infromation on how their child is progressing.


In the school environment not only does the parents receive an end of year report but the techer may also be involved in writing/filling in a `profile` or `baseline` report for example in England at the end of the childs reception year the teachers fill in the Foundtion Stage profile.


Summative Assessmets are often used to pass on information from one professional to another. A Eduational psychologists might write a report based on what they have observed and learnt about a child.


I hope this helps......



when i read your question i remembered reading it in the new documentation for eyfs. If you look in the book practice guidance for the foundation stage page 12 at the bottom of the page there is a paragraph what a summative assessment is . Hope this helps you Christine good luck 0258 :o

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