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First Day


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so it was my first day at my new centre as the preschool teacher/unit leader.

as days go it was farely ok


its alot quiter then i expected, only 4 children this morning and one this afternoon so i did find myself getting slightly bored.


anyway the girl who has been working in my room while i have been waiting for my transfer has done a fantastic job at setting the room up and building relationships with paretns and children but there are a few things that are bothering me, i havei t in my head how i want the routine to run and what should be done in terms of reading (she is using the oxford reading tree and sending books home and sitting and listening to the children "Read") but i feel bad for going in on my first week and saying this needs to be chnaged, obviously i am not going to do that, and as it is quiet at the moment the routine isnt really in place as on some days whebn there is one child in they join up with the toddler room but it is playing on my mind now!!!


there are two ways to look at this is not better whilst you are quiet to look at adapting the routine rather than wait and let everyone get settled into a routine and then change things. It may also be that this staff member has been waiting for you to start so you can work out a routine between you I am sure if you approach the change of routine by including the member of staff and explaining whay you feel the routine needs adapting awhilst at the same time showing your appreciation for what she has done things will be fine.


guess im just worried shell be upset that i want to change it when its been working for her that way, but im thinking of how things will be when it is busier.


ill see how it goes over the next week and decide then! just abit dissapointed i think!

What exactly is it that you want to change?


Maybe those changes will happen naturally as you get busier?



they possibly will, i duno whetehr im just being quite picky but when u have something in your head nad it isnt the way u want it!!!??


i want a rolling snack bar- its currently set at a certain time


first circle time is at 9.45 (if i remember correctly) im not sure but would like it earlier maybe 9.15 so we can disscuss what we are going to do for the day (we open at 8 and provide breakfast first


no sort of sit down time before lunch, straight from play to wash hands- maybe a story before


outdoor play set for after lunch- should be alongside freeplay not at a set time but more then likely they will run arounf outside

also, after theyve just eaten??


sending books home for parents to read with the children-im worried this may put to much emphasis /pressure on teaching them to read (if u get what i mean) like it is nice that the parents can read with their children but they could put too much pressure on them


but again as ive said it isnt that important now as it is so quiet but we need to get into a better routine, i think anyway


i think im being picky, but have a feeling it does need to change!!!


Do they have to be 'reading books'? Could they be more library/share together books?


We do the book borrowing every week, and the parents really like it. They are not books for the children to read but to read and enjoy with their parents all the normal books the Gruffalo, Percy the Park Keeper etc. I know I appreciate it (my son is at the setting) and its really nice to have a regular change of book. You can have too much of the Mr Men!!


Sometimes we sit down with the children and they talk us through the story but this is only if they want to.


the book borrowing and the parents reading to the children sounds fine and would be great,


its just the way its seems to be being done, the book goes home with a little record book and the parent has to write in what the child did,said etc. i just think it may take the fun out of the whole thing, the parent may feel they have to sit the child down to do it.


i may just suggest a lending library where they can take any book home not just ones in the biff and chip series and they dont have to record what happened.

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