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Distribution Of Areas During Carpet Times

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Hi everyone. I just wondered if you could share how you decide how much time will be allocated to the different areas of learning for carpet sessions in Reception.


We currently do 3 x carpet sessions a day (10-15 mins max) and story time / singing on top of this. It roughly works out as:

5 x phonics

4-5 x shared reading or writing

4 x maths

1-2 x PSED


Is yours similar or do you do carpet sessions in other areas too, e.g. whole class carpet session on a KUW exploration and investigation theme before doing a rotated small group focus on a related activity?


I think our other provision, e.g. small group focus / outdoor is more equally weighted between the areas but this carpet thing has been bugging me for a while!


Hi there,


I teach in Reception and I do similar....


5xphonics first thing each morning

4xliteracy inputs

4xnumeracy inputs


These are generally in the morning....


I also do 3 x (sometimes 4!) KUW short sessions in an afternoon before creative and KUW activities. E.g. Transport topic - this week is Trucks and Cars (Duck in a Truck for literacy) so we are discussing different cars, looking under the bonnet of my little Polo, making a simple graph off favourite car colours (ICT) etc.


At my school, the afternoon is really long - we don't finish til 3.35pm, but at least that there is plenty of time to do KUW without it being squashed.


Hope this helped....



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