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Hi, we'll be doing an 'under the sea' topic after spring bank with a mixed reception/year 1 class and were wondering if anyone had any ideas??




Commotion in the Ocean Giles Andreae is one of our children's favourites, we have the book with a tape which they love listening to with sound effects.. they came up with ideas on what to do after we had read it to them.



Hi, we'll be doing an 'under the sea' topic after spring bank with a mixed reception/year 1 class and were wondering if anyone had any ideas??




This months Child Ed has some good ideas. If you log onto the Scholastic web site you can download some of them for free.


:o WE are a preschool aged 2 - 41/2 and did this last term

We made jelly fish with bubble wrap (textures using senses). A large octopus for the wall display (maths-How many legs).

Julia Donaldson book - Snail and the whale

We also made a large wall display of under the sea with gold glitter for sand, and for sea anenome we used those floresent pink and orange bendy straws (we got ours from everthing £1) these stapled onto the display looked really good. we then put the octopus on various fish shapes,jelly fish etc .

You could make a fish number line (sparkle box do one I think).

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